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Work with what you have

What a day I’ve had! I really do not like DIY! The flat is a total tip, I’m covered in paint and I have another day of the same tomorrow. Today I’ve had the pleasure of glossing window sills, skirting boards, radiators and doors. We’ve almost managed to finish painting the bathroom and we have the kitchen to do tomorrow. I’m just looking forward to when its all finished and I can start accessorizing!

My day started with a trip to the gym. As I had a little more time on my hands I did my usual 20 minutes of intervals on the cross trainer and stepper and then ran 3 miles on the treadmill in 27 minutes. I finished off with my strength routine for legs. Breakfast was a huge bowl of porridge with cookies and cream true whey, strawberries and a sprinkling of coconut.

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I also had a lovely hazelnut and cinnamon coffee sweetened with agave syrup – I figured I would need the boost for all this decorating!

Lunch was a home made spelt and egg white wrap filled with turkey, hummus and spinach with some kale chips on the side.


I also had a large serving of melon and a chopped kiwi.


We managed to get most of the painting done by mid afternoon and I was very glad to stop for my snack! I had a bowl of quark cheese topped with raisins and hazelnuts.


Dinner was a simple tuna salad with little gem, spinach, red onion, cucumber, carrot and alfalfa sprouts.


I also had a bowl of chocolate avocado pudding topped with cacao nibs that I’d made over the weekend.


I still love this stuff, I know it might sound a bit weird for some of you but its so tasty! I’ll also probably have an apple a little later too.

Well today has been tough but very productive. As well as the glossing and painting I’ve also nearly finished my canvas, can’t wait to show you the finished painting!

As I don’t have any pics of the flat as yet here’s a bit of a sneak preview in the form of a mood board. To test out how different items are going to work together I find pictures of things that I already own from Google images and then add images of the things I’m thinking of getting or putting together. Here’s what I have for the bedroom:

bedroom mood board

Decorating Tip No 1 – Work with what you have instead of against it. We have a green carpet in the bedroom that we can’t afford to replace, and red curtains and bedspread, so instead of fighting it I’ve tried to pull together a scheme that incorporates it, hence the green cushions. I’ve tried to go for a bit of a 70’s oriental feel as I have a new jewellery box with an oriental style print and the hubby has a little chinese bowl on his bedside table for putting change in. Hopefully it will all come together by the end of the week!

Do you have any top decorating / interior design tips?


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