jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Less of and more of

I’ve had a great time working from home today. I can be so much more productive when I’m out of the office for some reason. I decided to get a few things out of the way first thing so I hit the gym for a quick run. I did my 5k on the treadmill doing intervals and sprints then jogged to take me up to 30 minutes total time. I also did a couple of sets of abs and core exercises which were especially tough considering the DOMS I have been experiencing from Shredding yesterday morning!

After the gym I went and did a mini grocery shop and then came home for breakfast. I defrosted a slice of my spiced parsnip and apple bread, warmed it through and topped it with almond butter. I then topped it with 2 little chopped apples mixed with 2 tablespoons of 2% greek yoghurt and cinnamon and topped it all off with some honeycomb. I also enjoyed a cup of cinnamon and hazelnut coffee.

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Such a fab breakfast, that parsnip and apple bread was perfect, so moist and slightly sweet.

For lunch I had some leek, potato and bean soup with a generous amount of smoked paprika and chilli pepper.


I also had three sliced plums with a tablespoon of greek yoghurt and a little cinnamon.


The plums were such a beautiful colour, a gorgeous purple red it was almost a shame to eat them!

Mid afternoon I made myself a matcha latte with soy milk and a little agave syrup.


Love these, I’m going to start making more tea lattes, the tea pigs creme caramel should be great too!

Dinner was a turkey steak with a balsamic glaze (balsamic vinegar, minced garlic, tomato puree, splash of water) and some steamed broccoli and savoy cabbage.


For desert I had something bloody lush:

Warm pears and chocolate ginger sauce (Serves 1)

  • 1 pear, cored and sliced
  • 1tsp corn flour
  • 1 heaped tsp zylitol or other sweetener of choice
  • 1 heaped tsp ground almonds
  • 100 ml water
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp of cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp of dark chocolate chips (optional)

Begin by adding the ground almonds, zytoil and cornflour to a small pan over a medium heat. Add a little water to the mix until a thick paste forms, then add the cocoa powder and ginger. Continue to add a little water as you go until all the water is added and you are left with a thick sauce. Add chocolate chips if using and stir until they melt. Warm the pears in a microwave for a few seconds if desired and then add to a bowl. Top the pears with the sauce and a sprinkle of cinnamon and serve.


This was amazingly good! The chocolate and ginger flavour was delicious and went really well with the pears. I’ll be making this again for sure! You could add all sorts of different flavour combos such as adding mint essence, a bit of peanut butter etc. Yum!

Less of and more of

Today I came across this little piece from Ms Bitchcakes (fab blog check it out!) She was looking at some less of and more of:

  1. Less alcohol, more tea.
  2. Less meat, more vegetable.
  3. Less salt, more vinegar.
  4. Less sugar, more fruit.
  5. Less eating, more chewing.
  6. Less words, more action.
  7. Less greed, more giving.
  8. Less worry, more sleep.
  9. Less driving, more walking.
  10. Less anger, more laughter

I really liked these and they made me think about what my less of and more of would be. I came up with these:

  • Less worry, more relaxation
  • Less spending, more saving
  • Less TV, more books
  • Less frustration, more acceptance
  • Less ready packaged, more making my own

What are your less of and more of?


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