jual kayu murah menerima order bahan


Can you believe its Wednesday already? I think I could get used to these short weeks! I hope that getting back to normality after the Easter break is going well for you! Today I’m dropping in to join the WIAW party as usual, I thought I’d share my eats from Monday which for us in the UK was a bank holiday (not sure if other countries had Monday off too?)

Peas and Crayons

I mostly spent the day like this:

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That would be lying in bed with my pj’s on and my iPad attached to my knees while watching random bank holiday movies like The Mummy 2 and Knocked Up. I did manage to make it out of the house for the gym and more food – I do have some priorities you know ;-) Anyway, once I’d managed to drag myself out of bed I made myself the usual lemon and warm water:

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Then I had breakfast -  porridge made with 1/2 cup of oats slow cooked in 2 cups of water with some frozen blueberries, pecans and a drizzle of maple syrup on top:

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Blueberries, pecans and maple syrup go really well together and are one of my favourite flavour combos! I also had a big mug of this green tea and earl grey mix:

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The gym doesn't open until 10am on a bank holiday so before I went I popped to the shops for a few groceries and then got my workout in. For some stupid reason they have totally rearranged the gym so the tiny weights area with dumbbells is pretty much right on top of the mats for doing core work. Talk about an accident waiting to happen! I did my usual 5 minute cross trainer warm up followed by a strength session – my first workout from the next phase of Female Body Breakthrough and then followed by HIIT on the step machine and bike.

Once I got home, un packed the groceries, had a shower and changed right back into my pj’s I was starving and all I wanted was a big fat green smoothie! Don’t ask me where I’ve come across the pineapple and carrot combo before, but something in my mind made me think it would be delicious, and I was right! Into the blender went a load of spring greens, half of this massive pineapple (I said I was hungry) and two of those carrots…

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..plus a scoop of vanilla sun warrior protein powder, ground flax, maca, water and ice. My toppings of choice were sunflower seed butter, coconut and raisins:

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This tasted awesome! I had that bowl times two including double the toppings to fill me right up. Pineapple and carrot, who would have known? I drank green tea all afternoon and then a while later I started feeling snacky so had a couple of apples from the fridge:

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Then a bit after that I decided I wanted some chocolate! I had about half of my Green and Blacks Dark Chocolate egg along with some pretzels and another green tea:

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I really enjoyed that chocolate. The chocolate and pretzels eaten together at the same time tasted fantastic, gotta love the sweet and salty combo! For dinner I warmed up some of my lazy courgette and pesto tart and served it up with some green beans roasted in balsamic vinegar and sea salt and some steamed broccoli:

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That tart really does taste good, there’s something incredibly naughty about flaky puff pastry! Those roasted beans tasted pretty epic too. I was quite stuffed after the chocolate from earlier plus that dinner but I still wanted something sweet to finish the day. I ate a few sliced strawberries and a mug of liquorice and cinnamon tea:

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I have to admit a lazy day like that was just what I needed. I know it wasn’t really that lazy, I did go to the gym after all, but compared to how I spend most days it was definitely much slower paced and relaxing. I love just lying in bed watching movies sometimes!

How do you like to spend ‘lazy days’?

P.S please check out my Coyo Coconut Yoghurt GIVEAWAY!


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