Thankful Thursday and a Big Budget Challenge Round Up
Happy Thanksgiving to all my US readers! Hope you are having a great day. I really wish we celebrated the holiday here in the UK, I think it has such a lovely meaning.
Thanks for everyone who commented on yesterday’s post and my exciting news, I’m still so chuffed. I have even more exciting prospects for the New Year as it looks like I might get my first paid work delivering healthy living programmes with young people in the community! I’m really genuinely stunned by all the good fortune coming my way at the moment, especially after having a bit of a rough couple of months with James job scare and what not!
I know there’s going to be loads of these posts but I really thought it would be nice to quickly look at just a few of the many things I’m thankful for, serious and silly ;-)
James, my parents and my family and friends
My lovely Dad, Mam and James at last weeks Lumiere Festival
I’m very lucky to have an amazing supportive and loving husband, great parents and fabulous family and friends. I don’t have loads of close friends but the friendships I do have are very strong and meaningful.
My health
My health is something I never take for granted. Its the foundation that the rest of my life is built upon. Being healthy enables me to be a good wife, daughter, sister and friend, earn a living, study, blog, exercise and have fun! It is priceless.
Food (and having choices)
Yesterday’s amazing breakfast – vanilla protein courgette bread oats with cranberries, pecans and maple syrup!
I’m thankful, first of all that I have access to plentiful food, but that I have the ability to make choices about what I eat. We are so lucky to have such a wealth of different foods available to us in this country, I can easily choose to eat vegan, choose to eat chocolate whenever I want, choose to buy lots of greens for my smoothies etc!
The blogging community
I’m thankful that I discovered blogs and blogging. After almost two years I can’t imagine not sharing my passion for healthy living with other people that are equally as passionate as I am! I’m so thankful for the support and friendships I’ve made through the blogging world.
Online Shopping
Just received a lovely parcel from Goodness Direct and placed an order with Urban Outfitters for Christmas presents galore using their 20% off code – JINGLE (valid until 8am tomorrow) gotta love online shopping!
Oh how I adore thee!
Big Budget Update
Tomorrow is pay day thank goodness! That kind of marks the end of the Big Budget Challenge for me – however I will still be blogging a full review of the challenge next Thursday, and lets just say that I’m probably going to be on permanent budget challenge from now on, but more on that next week! Things have gone ok this week but I have gone over my grocery budget :-(
I’m trying to look at things in the most positive light, as even though I’ve gone a bit over budget, my grocery shopping habits have vastly changed since starting the challenge. I’ll blog a bit more on this next week, but I think its been developing new habits like cooking beans from scratch and not making random impulse purchases that have made a big difference. Making the most of discount supermarkets like Aldi is another good habit I’ve got into:
I bought these few bits and pieces this week for £8 including sweet potatoes, reduced plums, spinach, jacket potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, a big butternut squash and although technically this could be classed as an impulse purchase – some dark chocolate covered marzipan hearts to put away for Christmas!
I’ve had to start my Christmas present buying and as noted above, I’ve made good use of discount codes to save £10 off a Goodness Direct order and 20% off an Urban Outfitters order. I also decided to order the set of the Hunger Games books after hearing so many rave reviews. I got them for just £5 on an Amazon Black Friday deal – bargain!
Other Big Budgeters posting updates this week:
Ffion@ Chocolate and Raspberries
Sarah @ Every Day’s a Picnic
Maria @ Running Cupcake
Eleanor @ Eating Like a Horse
Sharon @ Bit of the good stuff
Alissa @ Not Just Apples
Check them all out! Just one more week left everyone :-)
Have you scored any good bargains recently? What’s one thing your thankful for today?
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