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Snack Attack

Happy Friday everyone! How has your week been? With working from home and getting the carpet and bed sorted my week has been a strange one, but its all good. Especially now I have a proper bed to sleep in!

Yesterday I had the best nights sleep so I woke up bright eyed yesterday and ready for a quick bit of yoga. I did the usual Yoga for Runners followed by some foam rolling on my IT bands. Breakfast was so good but it was dark and rainy outside and I had to use the flash on my camera!


This was delicious: tofu yoghurt (its been too long), banana sunshine muffin, damson compote and a sliced peach, yum!

This morning I hit the gym for my NRoL workout – still doing 3 sets instead of 2 on all the moves, and warmed up on the step machine instead of treadmill. After that I had a wonderful protein packed green smoothie:


This contained spinach, cucumber, 1 frozen banana, 2 scoops of vanilla sun warrior, spirulina, maca powder, msm crystals, water, stevia, ice, xanthan and guar gums and topped with roasted almond butter sauce and goji berries.

Lunches have been veggie packed and tasty:


Slice of raw bread made with veggie juice pulp and brazil nuts topped with some cheesy avocado mash (half an avocado with nutritional yeast and lemon juice) plus lots and lots of chopped veggies and and 2 apples. I love snacky plates like these!

Other snackage has included my last Lara bar:


Cherry Pie, so good, I must make some home made versions of these! I also snacked on a big almond coconut cookie and apples:


That cookie was so good, they freeze so well! The snacking hasn’t stopped there though. Last night I was ravenous and snacked on apples, dried fruity pieces, popcorn, chocolate covered pomegranate seeds, chocolate nut butters – hazelnut, almond and peanut (!) and some fantastic bowls of brown rice puffs mixed with peanut flour sauce and agave. I recognised that this was genuine hunger and not any kind of binge as I felt in control and despite it being quite a lot of food, I didn’t feel sick or ill afterwards :-) I think my body clearly needed the extra fuel.

Last night after work I also popped to the gym and put in a great sweaty 1 hour cardio workout followed by abs and core exercises. I felt like I needed a really intense sweaty workout and I felt great afterwards!

Last night I had more seitan stir fry for dinner but tonight I fancied something new. I made up a socca with some coriander and filled it with a mix of mashed black beans, roast peppers, fried onions, a slice of vegan cheese and spinach. On the side I had some roasted courgette and carrot ‘chips’:


This was wonderful, so filling and I really loved the ‘chips’ too!

Desserts have included raw cookies and cream cheesecake and tofu yoghurt with damson compote and a chopped apple:

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The tangy sweet compote was so good with the creamy yoghurt, yum!

I’m really looking forward to the weekend ahead, especially as we have bank holiday Monday! Tomorrow we are planning a shopping trip to town and catching up with friends and family then hopefully we will have the rest of the long weekend to relax. I’m also hoping to try a short run, fingers crossed my knee will be ok!

Are you a big snacker? Usually I just have one or two snacks a day but very occasionally I have periods like last night when I just graze on all sorts for several hours! What’s your favourite snack? I really loved the odd little combo I discovered last night of brown rice puffs mixed with peanut flour sauce and agave, yum!

Hope you have a great weekend!


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