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Smoothie in a bucket

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve had a good weekend! I’ve had such a lovely one! After NYC last weekend I was really looking forward to catching up with my friends and family and just pottering around at home.

Yesterday I saw my parents, sister, nephews, grandma and two best friends – it was wonderful! I also decided to get my long run out of the way. I did 10 miles in 1hr 37 with an average pace of 9.40. A lot slower than I have been recently but I think this could be down to a couple of factors, a) the horrendous wind and b) that I probably haven’t been as well fuelled as I could have been due to reigning things in a bit post holiday indulgence. Anyway, the way I tend to look at things is its a win just getting out of bed and getting myself out there even if the run isn’t that great.

Today I decided to squeeze in a quick 3,2,1 workout at the gym – I love that I can be in and out of the gym in 1 hour knowing I have had a great all round workout.

Eats have been pretty great too! Yesterday’s breakfast was a really simple combo of chopped plums, blueberries, home made sesame milk and mixed nuts (walnuts, brazils, apricot kernals, hazelnuts and raw coconut shreds):


I’ve also been enjoying my smoothies as usual:


This was the first time I’ve used avocado in a smoothie and it was wonderful! It contained romaine lettuce, 1 small avocado, frozen blueberries, peach coconut water, scoop of vanilla sun warrior, ice, maca, mesquite, the gums and was topped with raw granola, goji berries and sunflower seeds. I served it in one of my new mixing bowls – yes it was that big! More like a smoothie in a bucket than a bowl :-P

Today I had a chocolate cherry green smoothie containing spring greens, frozen cherries, an apple, chocolate sun warrior protein powder, sesame milk, maca, mesquite, cacao, ice and gums topped with flaked almonds and drizzle of almond butter sauce (1 tbsp of almond butter combined with 1 tbsp of warm water to make it extra drippy):


Both of these were so good and mega filling!

I’ve also enjoyed more greens in the form of fresh juices and salads:


This was cucumber, celery, lemon, ginger, basil and parsley, so good!

Today I had a salad beast containing romaine lettuce, mixed leaves, carrot, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, sugar snaps, radish, raw rosemary crackers and some of Gena’s courgette dressing:


This dressing is wonderful – I followed Gena’s recipe but left out the mustard, dates and ground coriander and subbed apple cider vinegar for some of the lemon juice, delish.

Last night I made a wonderful meal of veggies stir fried in coconut oil with shoyu and ginger topped with sprouted beans plus some coconut ginger quinoa inspired by Emilias recipe – I used 1/4 cup of uncooked rinsed quinoa with 3/4 cup of water, 1 heaped tsp of coconut flour and a few drops of shoyu simmered until all the coconut stock is absorbed then added some fresh grated ginger:


The coconut ginger quinoa was amazing – so creamy!

Tonight I made another stir fry – more veggies on top of raw courgette noodles with Cauldon marinated tofu, shoyu, ginger, chilli and gomasio:


Last nights dessert was gorgeous – raw sesame almond banana cake!


I just combined the leftover almond and sesame pulp from milk making with two small mashed bananas then added some goji berries and dried cherries and transferred the mixture to a cling film lined lunch box, smoothed down and froze until semi frozen before cutting into squares, wrapping in foil and returning to the freezer. I simply took this out half an hour before eating along with a few frozen raspberries, delicious!

So much fruit and vegetables have been consumed this weekend! I had been trying to reduce the amount of really sugary fruit I eat as I was starting to feel a bit sugared out but I can feel a bit of a cold coming on so I’m piling them in as I feel like I need all the vitamins I can get! My portion sizes have seemed to have increased over the last couple of months – not that I see that as a problem at the moment as they tend to be made up of not so calorie dense fruit and veggies – even the giant smoothies are mainly fruit and greens. Do you eat for volume? Do you exercise portion control? Does anyone ever comment on your portion sizes? The only time I measure out a portion is with oil, grains or things like granola, although I’m not very good at measuring out muesli – I just pack the bowl out! I’ve also had a fair few raised eyebrows at the size of my salads!

Thanks for everyone who’s entered my May Sponsors Giveaway and tweeted or blogged about it. If you haven’t entered yet please take a look! Its open for entries until Friday!


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