Rediscovering Trout
I know thats a totally random post title, but stay with me!
I had my weigh in this morning and I stayed the same as last week which I'm very happy about considering that I was expecting a gain. But it still doesn't shed any light on what the hell my body is doing in terms of whether I have a 4 week gain / loss 'pattern', nevermind, onward and upward!
I had the best bowl of porridge this morning, it was well tasty! I nuked a frozen banana and some frozen strawberries (first time I've bought these, but I'll be getting them all the time now!) for a few seconds until they had softened a bit, then added regular and jumbo oats and some water and microwaved until thick and creamy. I then added some hazelnut and almond rice milk to cool it down a little and topped with fresh chopped strawberries and a spoonful of cashew butter.
For a mid morning snack I had half a tub of cottage cheese with a chopped apple topped with maca and cinnamon.
Lunch was more kale and chickpea salad followed by a pear and a plum
I had the other pear and plum later in the afternoon when I got back from going to a teen health event which I had supported a community group to develop. It was brilliant, part of it was about healthy eating and the ladies who ran it had some brilliant simple little ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks that young people could easily make again at home like curried chicken salad pittas, breakfast 'trifle' which was yoghurt and fruit compote layered with granola, and mini cheesecakes which were a light digestive biscuit spread with low fat cream cheese and topped with fresh fruit. It was brilliant to see the young people enjoying making their own healthy food.
For dinner I decided to make something with one of the trout fillets I had picked up from the reduced section last week and frozen. I haven't had trout in absolutely ages. I made asian steamed trout by placing the fillet on some foil and covering with fresh minced ginger, garlic and soy sauce then wrapping it up and steaming for 10 mins. I then served the trout with some stir fried veggies.
This tasted so good! I'll definitely be buying more trout, its cheaper than other fish such as salmon and since its an oily fish its also high in omega 3's.
For desert I decided to get a bit experimental.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Frozen Yoghurt
1 tub of 0% Greek Yoghurt
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
1 tablespoon of agave syrup
2 tablespoons of peanut butter
Mix the yoghurt, cocoa powder and agave together either by hand or in a food processor. Gently fold in the peanut butter if you want your frozen yoghurt to have chunky ribbons of peanut butter through it or thoughly mix in if you just want the taste throughout. I dropped little spoonfuls of peanut butter into the yoghurt and then very gently mixed it. I went heavy on the pb as I love the stuff but you could just use the one tablespoon if you wanted. Freeze until yoghurt reaches desired consistency. I left mine for about two hours and it was perfect.
Check out that peanut butter nugget! Super Yum!
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea
Exercise - Rest Day
I was so glad to get home today and be able to chill. I have the rest of the evening to myself as the hubby has his friend over so I can just relax, read magazines and catch up on TV. Today also saw the arrival of my new Heart Rate Monitor.
I decided to get one to help me with my Great North Run training. Thankfully I don't need to pay out a fortune for a Garmin type thing as my Runkeeper iPhone app has been fantastic for tracking my mileage. The upgraded version even talks to me through my headphones and tells me my pace, distance covered etc, its brilliant! I decided to get this Oregon SE138 after reading a review in a magazine along with its relatively affordable price (£40 from I'm looking forward to trying this out on my run tomorrow.
I'm aiming for 6.5 miles so wish me luck! As well as my long run tomorrow I will be cleaning the flat (which I didn't do last weekend!) doing my strength workout and a quick yoga work out, grocery shopping and I have a big girly night in planned with my two best friends. Its been ages since we've had a get together, I can't wait!
What do you have planned for the weekend? Hope you have all had a good week! x
I had my weigh in this morning and I stayed the same as last week which I'm very happy about considering that I was expecting a gain. But it still doesn't shed any light on what the hell my body is doing in terms of whether I have a 4 week gain / loss 'pattern', nevermind, onward and upward!
I had the best bowl of porridge this morning, it was well tasty! I nuked a frozen banana and some frozen strawberries (first time I've bought these, but I'll be getting them all the time now!) for a few seconds until they had softened a bit, then added regular and jumbo oats and some water and microwaved until thick and creamy. I then added some hazelnut and almond rice milk to cool it down a little and topped with fresh chopped strawberries and a spoonful of cashew butter.
For a mid morning snack I had half a tub of cottage cheese with a chopped apple topped with maca and cinnamon.
Lunch was more kale and chickpea salad followed by a pear and a plum
I had the other pear and plum later in the afternoon when I got back from going to a teen health event which I had supported a community group to develop. It was brilliant, part of it was about healthy eating and the ladies who ran it had some brilliant simple little ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks that young people could easily make again at home like curried chicken salad pittas, breakfast 'trifle' which was yoghurt and fruit compote layered with granola, and mini cheesecakes which were a light digestive biscuit spread with low fat cream cheese and topped with fresh fruit. It was brilliant to see the young people enjoying making their own healthy food.
For dinner I decided to make something with one of the trout fillets I had picked up from the reduced section last week and frozen. I haven't had trout in absolutely ages. I made asian steamed trout by placing the fillet on some foil and covering with fresh minced ginger, garlic and soy sauce then wrapping it up and steaming for 10 mins. I then served the trout with some stir fried veggies.
This tasted so good! I'll definitely be buying more trout, its cheaper than other fish such as salmon and since its an oily fish its also high in omega 3's.
For desert I decided to get a bit experimental.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Frozen Yoghurt
1 tub of 0% Greek Yoghurt
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
1 tablespoon of agave syrup
2 tablespoons of peanut butter
Mix the yoghurt, cocoa powder and agave together either by hand or in a food processor. Gently fold in the peanut butter if you want your frozen yoghurt to have chunky ribbons of peanut butter through it or thoughly mix in if you just want the taste throughout. I dropped little spoonfuls of peanut butter into the yoghurt and then very gently mixed it. I went heavy on the pb as I love the stuff but you could just use the one tablespoon if you wanted. Freeze until yoghurt reaches desired consistency. I left mine for about two hours and it was perfect.
Check out that peanut butter nugget! Super Yum!
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea
Exercise - Rest Day
I was so glad to get home today and be able to chill. I have the rest of the evening to myself as the hubby has his friend over so I can just relax, read magazines and catch up on TV. Today also saw the arrival of my new Heart Rate Monitor.
I'm aiming for 6.5 miles so wish me luck! As well as my long run tomorrow I will be cleaning the flat (which I didn't do last weekend!) doing my strength workout and a quick yoga work out, grocery shopping and I have a big girly night in planned with my two best friends. Its been ages since we've had a get together, I can't wait!
What do you have planned for the weekend? Hope you have all had a good week! x
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