jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

PJ Day

I’ve been such a lazy thing today, I haven’t crossed the doors and have stayed in my PJ’s all day long! Every so often I do love days like this. We’ve just chilled out and watched random movies all day, total bliss!

Breakfast was a fabulous layer up creation starting with chia seed porridge (oats, water, dash of soya milk, chia seeds), fresh blueberries and strawberries, fromage frais then topped off with grape nuts and wheat germ.

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I still love the hot / cold combo, so tasty!

For lunch I stir fried a chicken breast which had been left to marinade in garlic and lemon juice then chopped into bite sized pieces. I mixed that with the leftover couscous, wheat berries and roasted vegetable salad from yesterdays tea party then added some chopped yellow pepper, carrot and cucumber plus steamed broccoli. I also had a bowl of cherries.


This was so delicious, I must try making up the couscous and wheat berries myself as Marks and Spencer Food is too expensive to buy from all the time!

Mid afternoon I made up a big green monster with spinach, frozen banana, frozen peaches, soy milk and maca and then topped it with some We Are Bear Tropical Crunch Granola.


This totally hit the spot! I also ate a big apple.


Dinner was a bowl of freshly made Courgette and Watercress Soup (i.e. the easiest and tastiest soup recipe ever)


I finished up with 6 squares of Choxi Dark Chocolate and some strawberries.


Big Budget Challenge Update

I’m still plugging along trying not to spend unnecessarily and I seem to be doing ok in all aspects apart from my grocery shopping. Although I’m trying other options like shopping at the market and discount supermarkets I’m still spending quite a bit. I think I’m coming to realise that eating the amount of fruit and veggies I do isn’t going to come cheap. I also believe that if I am going to be laying out a bit of extra cash each week spending it on good quality healthy food is going to be worth it!

Today I’ve put another couple of items on ebay after last weeks success as well. I think I’m well hooked on ebay for getting rid of things I’m no longer into. Its going to free up so much space in the flat!

Do you feel that you spend more on groceries than other people because you eat more healthily? Are you happy to spend more on better quality food if it tastes nicer and is better for you?

This weekend has flown over, but I can’t wait for next week, particularly for my Birthday and my day off! Hope you’ve all had a good weekend whatever you’ve been up too x


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