New routines
Today started with a brand new routine – a new strength workout routine! I usually like to get some strength training in via DVD’s as this fits into my schedule and the time I have available. However, I am now wanting to focus a little more on my strength training so thought I would try and come up with a workout myself that I could do using my dumbbells and stability ball at home. Here’s what I came up with:
- Warm up – jumping jacks, bum kicks, running on the spot, skipping (5 minutes)
- Chest fly on stability ball (15 reps with 2 x 4.5kg db)
- Stiff legged dead lift (15 reps with 2 x 4.5kg db)
- Bent over row with tricep kick back (15 reps with 2 x 2.3kg db)
- Shoulder press with squat (15 reps with 2 x 4.5kg db)
- Forward lunges with bicep curl (10 x each leg with 2 x 2.3kg db)
- Backwards lunges with bicep curl (10 x each leg with 2 x 2.3kg db)
- Upright row with sumo squat (15 reps with 2 x 2.3kg db)
- Weighted sit up on stability ball (20 reps with 1 x 4.5kg db)
- Kneeling push ups (15 reps body weight)
- Cardio interval – jumping jacks, bum kicks, running on the spot, skipping (2 minutes)
x 3 sets – no rest between exercises or sets
- Stretching and cool down – 5 minutes
This took about 45 minutes to complete.
I came up with this after reading through old magazine articles and looking through Rachel Cosgrove’s Female Body Breakthrough. I was looking for a full body workout. I ordered the exercises to alternate between ones focused on upper body and lower body to try and keep my heart rate up. I really enjoyed doing this but the weights I have available are definitely not heavy enough for some exercises. What I intend to do is repeat this workout at the gym, increasing the weights considerably and lowering the reps. That way I hope I’m getting the best of both worlds. This did work up a good sweat though. I’m hoping to progress my push ups to incline and then hopefully to a full push up in line with my 2011 goal! I know some of you have a lot more experience with strength training than me – what do you think of my plan?
So at the moment my January workout schedule looks like this:
- Monday – Gym - 30 min HIITs, 30 min spin, abs and core exercises
- Tuesday – 45 min new strength routine (as above), yoga class
- Wednesday – Gym - 30 min speed interval run (treadmill) 30 minute HIITs, abs and core exercises
- Thursday – Yoga flow and core strengthening exercises with cardio intervals – 45 min
- Friday – Gym – 30 min HIITs, new strength routine (as above)
- Weekend – Gym – 30 min run, 1 hr constant rate cardio
In February I’m hoping to re introduce longer outdoor runs before starting my proper half marathon training plan in March / April.
On to today’s eats! After my workout I made a fab breakfast of a Chocolate Cherry Green Monster smoothie in a bowl. This contained spinach, frozen cherries, 1 scoop of chocolate sun warrior protein powder, almond milk, maca powder, spirulina, milk thistle tincture and ground flax:
I topped it with some goji berries and pistachios, delicious as always!
When I got to work the office was freezing as the heating system had broken down over Christmas. It was so cold you could see your breath! Luckily our lovely manager said we could work from home, so much for getting back into a routine! I came back and made myself a mug of miso soup with ginger to try and warm back up:
Lunch was an amazing salad with an even more amazing dressing! This contained sweet hart lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, cucumber, yellow pepper, red onion, carrot, basil tofu and brown and wild rice. I made up a dressing based on Gena’s Green Goddess Dressing:
Green Goddess Dressing (makes 3 – 4 servings)
- 1/4 cup of tahini
- 1/4 cup of Cool Oil (hemp and flax mix)
- 1 tbsp of shoyu
- 1 tsp of sweet white miso paste
- Juice of half a lemon
- 1 tsp of toasted sesame oil
- 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup of parsley
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1/2 cup of water
Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth. This tastes gorgeous and is so full of good stuff its unbelievable!
I also had two sliced kiwi:
Mid afternoon I snacked on 2 apples with cashew butter for dipping:
I was still a bit hungry after this so ate another apple ;-)
Dinner was a bowl of mixed vegetable soup, I added some kale which I had in the fridge:
I also had a couple of oranges:
As far as the detox plan is going, I feel I’m doing really well. My eats have been very healthy and tasty, I’m so glad that I tried out making that dressing. Its something I probably wouldn’t have bothered with if I hadn’t been on the plan. My sleeping has drastically improved too, I had been getting around 4 hours on average as my brain would just not quiet down, but even though I’m still waking up for the bathroom I’m getting back to sleep straight away. I haven’t felt so rested in weeks!
I’m starting to feel the DOMS from my workout this morning – I’m taking that as a good sign that I’ve worked my muscles! Do you do any strength training? In what way do you incorporate it? Have you ever developed your own workout?
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