I really don’t know what’s with me at the moment but my hunger is just off the scale! I had a major snack attack last night – an extra apple, hazelnuts, raisins, cacao nibs, dates, milk, muesli straight from the box…Then this morning for breakfast I had this lovely bowl of strawberries, rice puffs and muesli with soy milk…
…and then went back and had another large bowl of muesli to finish the box!
I know its not like I’m snacking – or should I say bingeing (I think these episodes are pretty binge like) on anything unhealthy but the fact that I’m eating far too much food is eventually going to lead to weight gain, despite the exercise I’m doing. I had an episode on Friday night as well with my jar of dark chocolate dreams and a 2 bowls of brown rice puffs. Its really awful when it happens. It might sound dramatic but its like I can’t think rationally and all I want to do is eat, then afterwards I get the guilt. I need to pull myself together! I don’t really feel I can do low carb while I’m training for the Great North Run but when that’s done (only a month away!) I’m going to have a couple of weeks of cutting out the sugar and carbs to try and regain control of my appetite. Sorry about that rant but I felt pretty down about it this morning. I’m feeling much better now though, you just have to take things a meal at a time!
I hit the gym hard this morning, I did an hour of cardio intervals on the cross trainer, step machine and bike followed by some abs. When I got home I made myself a lovely protein shake:
Vanilla Rose Protein Shake
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1 mug of brewed and cooled rose tea
1 cup of soy milk
3 ice cubes
Blend and serve.
This was so delicious, I love rose tea and it added a different flavour to the usual vanilla shake.
After more decorating and trips to the shops to get some final bits and pieces for the flat I had this for lunch: hummus with oak smoked chilli, paprika and black pepper, various veggie sticks and a couple of slices of turkey.
I also had a couple of apples.
This afternoon the hubby was finally feeling up to a trip to Ikea – why is it that you always come away from that place with more than you were after? I got a good little haul – pictures to come later in the week!
As we have been decorating the kitchen today I couldn’t really cook a proper dinner as all my utensils are away in cupboards so I decided to make a quick bowl of fresh soup:
Pea, Spinach and Mint Soup (makes one large bowl)
1 onion
2 cups of frozen peas
Hot veg stock (enough to cover the peas)
2 large handfuls of spinach
1 tablespoon of chopped fresh mint
Chop the onion and fry in a little oil until transparent. Add the frozen peas and veg stock and simmer for 5 minutes until the peas are cooked. Stir in the spinach and mint then blend. Serve.
This took me 10 minutes to make using bits and bobs from the fridge and freezer and tasted absolutely delicious. I had considered stopping by the shops on my way home and picking up a fresh soup but I’m so glad I didn’t!
For desert I crushed some strawberries with a fork and mixed with a small tub of 0% greek yoghurt then topped with a spoonful of cashew butter.
So far so good on the snacky front. I haven’t actually been too bad since this morning but its usually last thing on an evening when it gets me. I have tried to moderate my eating since this morning so I probably haven’t ate that much, luckily I have lots to keep me busy for the rest of the day and away from that box of muesli!
Home Week
The decorating is going really well. I only have 1 more coat of gloss to do on the window sills and its done. Like I said yesterday I’m looking forward to the fun part when I get to style each room with all the new accessories I’ve bought. I thought I would leave you with a couple of links to some of my favourite interior design sites. I use these all the time for inspiration:
Living Etc – I love this magazine and its modern style and have my fingers crossed that someone gets me an annual subscription for Christmas!
Elle Decor – Another great modern interiors magazine.
Apartment Therapy – this is an excellent site for me as it features a lot of smaller spaces. I’ve taken so many ideas from different apartments they’ve featured, I just wish I lived in a loft in New York!
Young House Love – great blog by a couple who have been doing up their home.
I know I don’t have the perfect flat or anything, but I guess this week is about trying to make the most of what we do have. As much as I would love a beautiful period house somewhere with a huge garden I do love our little flat because its our first home together and its ours. What do you love most about your home?
I’m off to try and catch up on some blog reading, I’ve barely stopped today! Hope your all having a good week x
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