jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Losing the holiday weight

Well today has been the best day so far this week - a good weigh in and gym session, interesting work meeting and its now offically the weekend (thank god).

I had my usual Friday weigh in and I've lost 2lbs so I'm back down to 9st 12lbs (138lbs). Thats 5 lbs of my 6lb holiday weight gain lost! I'm looking forward to putting those pounds back on when I'm in Brighton!

I hit the gym nice and early for 20 minutes of intervals on the cross trainer and step machine then did my upper body free weights routine. I'm really noticing some muscles now!

Breakfast was really, really good this morning (I know I say that about breakfast pretty much everyday, but I do love my breakfasts). I made some Toffee Apple Porridge. I made up some porridge with scottish oats, chia seeds and water with half a chopped apple added during cooking. When cooked I added a splash of skim milk, a sample sachet of Toffee Fudge Whey and topped it with the rest of the apple and some chopped dates.

Totally amazing! Lunch was a Tuna Salad with spinach, mixed leaves, cucumber and red onion plus some balsamic dressing followed by a nectarine.

Mid afternoon I snacked on a pink grapefruit topped with quark and agave syrup.

When I got in from work I went into cooking mode and made some Brocolli, Pea and Mint Soup (as well as some other tasty treats - more on that tomorrow!) to stock the freezer with and there was a little bit left in the pan after portioning it out so I had a little yummy bowlful.

Dinner was some Thai Red Tofu and Veggie Curry with sugar snap peas and steamed spring greens with soy sauce and ginger.

Desert was this little bowl of tropical flavoured heaven - Mango, Banana, Coconut Softserve (frozen mango, frozen banana, kara coconut milk blended and topped with desicated coconut)

I was happy to come home to a couple of deliveries today. Yes, I have been on the scrounge for some freebies (all in the name of my Big Budget Challenge, every little helps right?) and the lovely people at Tea Pigs and Wear are Bear have sent me some goodies to review.

All be reviewing these over the next few weeks. Some of these goodies will also be finding their way into a blog giveaway goodie bag!

So whats everyone got planned for the weekend? I've got my 5 mile run planned for in the morning, then cleaning and tidying the flat and heading out to visit my friend. Sunday will be grocery shopping, visting my Sis - in - Law and then chilling out for the sports fest on TV (British Grand Prix and World Cup Final).

Tonight and over the weekend I think I'm going to spend some time doing a re design of the blog. I've been inspired by some of the blogs I've been reading and I want mine to look a bit more 'me'. I'm also thinking about changing up how I post, I might not post all my eats everyday, but we'll see how that goes. I think I might include more fashion, beauty and home posts. I hope everyone will stick with me until I figure it out ;-) One things for certain, I'll always be posting my most delicious eats!


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