Getting recognised and preparing for some changes
Hello everyone, hope you are having a great Sunday! What a perfect autumn weekend it has been!
The weather has been lovely. Thanks for all of your comments about the photo shoot, it was an amazing experience and I’m still buzzing from it all! This weekend has been mostly spent getting prepared for a few blog changes and a week of decorating at home, I’m currently sitting in a near empty living room!
Other than that it has been a chilled out weekend for me. Yesterday I got up and made some pancakes:
I made these protein pancakes with unsweetened vanilla life’s basics protein powder, egg whites, almond milk and baking powder. I topped them with smooshed defrosted frozen berries, almond butter sauce (just almond butter mixed with warm water) and maple syrup.
Then I went out for a look around Durham, its been ages since I’ve been into town as now that James works there every day he prefers to visit Newcastle for a change. I met up with a former work mate for a coffee and it was so good to see her. She has moved down to London (she was up in the North East last week or else I would have met her down there!) and it obviously suits her because she was glowing! I decided to wear some of my London purchases:
OOTD: gold cube necklace: Monki, stripy jumper: H&M, Army Style Jacket: c/o Next, burgundy wrap around scarf: Topshop, bag: Oasis, skinny jeans: Mango, suede style booties: Primark
While I was out in Durham I was recognised by a blog reader! This is the first time this has happened and it was a lovely but surreal experience. Hello to the lovely girl from The Mugwump, you made my day!
Lunch was a simple salad with romaine, cucumber, red pepper, chickpeas and a tasty balsamic and hemp oil dressing:
I had a green smoothie and a few russet apples as snacks and then for dinner I took the lazy option and just steamed up some kale and broccoli topped with some lentil and root veg stew / soup that I had made last weekend and frozen:
As I’m trying to get my eats back on track after a particularly indulgent week this type of nourishing food has been just what the doctor ordered. I also made up a bowl of kabocha ‘ice cream’ by blending up some roasted kabocha squash with vanilla sun warrior, almond milk, cinnamon, ginger, ice and a little vanilla stevia with some goji berries and a sprinkle of sea salt on the top:
I did very little exercise last week so I was raring to go for my double class workout this morning. Before I hit the gym I had a green juice and a coconut oil blended coffee:
The green juice was just my usual cucumber, celery, ginger, lemon blend - so delicious! My spin class and kettlecise class were brilliant, just what I needed to start feeling like myself again! For a proper breakfast when I got back I made a pumpkin scramble:
2 eggs, egg whites, tinned pumpkin, cinnamon and ginger all scrambled up and topped with almond butter. As James said, I hope it tastes better than it looks and it certainly does, one of my fave meals at the moment!
Tonight we are off to see Lynyrd Skynyrd so I made us both giant stir fries for lunch:
I had a lot of veggies in the fridge that needs using up so a stir fry is always the way to go. James had quorn chicken, udon noodles, carrot, broccoli, spinach and red cabbage and mine had frozen soya beans, rainbow chard, red pepper, broccoli, red cabbage, carrot and ginger. That should leave room for a few treats later!
Blog updates
This week KHGS is making the big move from Blogger to self hosted Wordpress. This will mean that the blog may be down or intermittent for the next few days. I have no planned posts for next week, except for announcing the GIVEAWAY winner tomorrow, as I’m going to have to wait to see how long the transfer takes. At the same time, the blog is also going to be under going a make over. I hope that you will love the new design as much as I do!
Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest changes
This weekend I have changed my username on the above social media sites from @keephealthstyle to @lauraagarwilson
GIVEAWAY reminder
Just a few hours to enter my giveaway for a free registration to Meghan Telpner’s Foods for Healing Course – please check it out because it really is a fab prize!
How has your weekend been? What do you have planned for the week ahead? I’m kind of dreading all the upheaval with the decorating. Living in a very small flat there isn’t anywhere to hide from it really! Do you like decorating? If not how do you cope when your living space is a work in progress?
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