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Freaky Dreams

I woke up this morning after a night of deep sleep filled with freaky dreams. I tried to analyse what they may mean – I believe you should analyse your own dreams as I think its the connections / relationships you have with people or things that is the key to their deeper meaning. What I came up with was interesting – I think I’m probably being affected by a personal situation more than I may realise and it is therefore making itself known through my dreams! Do you ever try and analyse your dreams? 

I know I say this all the time but this breakie was super! I made up a big bowl of chia seed oats (scottish oats, water half a tablespoon of chia seeds) and then crushed some strawberries with a fork until they became all jam like. I stirred this into the porridge then added some peanut butter sauce (2 teaspoons of smooth peanut butter mixed with warm milk), a couple of sliced strawberries and a teaspoon of black cherry jam.


This tasted amazingly good! I love how peanut butter sauce makes the peanut butter go further and fill the bowl with its flavour, mmm!

Mid morning I snacked on some fromage frais topped with some whole almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.


Lunch was a bowl of Lentil and Spinach soup from my frozen stash – I must make more as this soup is perfect for chilly autumn days.


I also had three little greenages.


This was my first time trying these – they tasted just like sweet plums!

Before I left work for the gym I had a Berry Cheeky Nakd Bar.


I decided to do my run on the treadmill at the gym so I could do some speed work. I did:

0.0 – 0.5 miles – 6 mph

0.5 – 1 miles – 6.5 mph

1 – 1.5 miles – 7 mph

1.5 – 2 miles – 6.5 mph with 30 sec sprints to 7.5 mph

x 2

After I’d done those 4 miles (36.30) I came home and did Yoga for Runners for 20 minutes. If your interested in trying out some yoga for free you should really check out the yoga download site it has a great selection of free sessions – you listen to the audio and print out a pdf pose guide to help you through. I really enjoy my little yoga sessions!

Dinner was a big salad containing: little gem lettuce, spinach, cucumber, beetroot, red onion, orange pepper, carrot, basil tofu and extra chopped basil.

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I love this basil tofu, its texture and taste kind of reminds me of sausages for some reason! For desert I mixed a chopped apple with fresh blueberries, cinnamon and this new oat milk:

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I thought I’d give the oat milk a try. Its quite a watery consistency but tasted ok. I was still a little peckish so I had this jazz apple too.


Have you tired oat milk? What did you think?

I have a few things to catch up with tonight, I can’t believe its Wednesday already! I’m also very excited as I have just received an extra special delivery and I’m expecting a few more over the next few days – watch this space!


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