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Cooking for Good Friends

Hi Everyone, so glad we are one day closer to the weekend, I'm having a bit of a tough week so I just can't wait for some chill time!

This morning I did 30 minutes of bicep flexing courtesy of Davina Top Fit on DVD. I then made this amazing Chocolate Cherry Green Monster (spinach, frozen cherries, chocolate whey, kara coconut milk) topped with grape nuts cereal, flaked almonds and few goji's.

It feels like ages since I've had one of these and it was fabulous, such a good start to the day.

For lunch I used up the last of my feta and made a greek style salad with cos lettuce, cucumber, red onion, tomato and mint.

I also had two juicy nectarines.

Mid afternoon I snacked on some quark with mixed nuts and raisins.

Tonight I've had my friend Helen over for dinner. I haven't seen Helen since before Christmas, we've been friends since Uni. Shes really great, she's travelled all over the world and has loads of tails to tell! We would usually have gone out for a coffee and to eat, but in the spirit of my Big Budget Challenge I suggested that I cook for us. We drank coffee and tea pigs tea whilst I made these Bean Burgers -

Spicy Bean and Spinach Burgers (serves two)

1 tin of kidney beans
1 red onion
1 handful of spinach
1 clove of garlic minced
1 teaspoon of hot chilli powder
2 tablespoons of wholemeal spelt flour
2 tablespoons of ground flax

Roughly chop the red onion and add it to a food processor along with the spinach. Process until finely chopped. Then add the drained and rinsed beans, minced garlic and hot chilli powder. Pulse the processor until the mixture comes together. I like to keep a bit of texture. Turn out the mixture into a bowl and mix in the spelt flour. Use enough flour so that the mixture isn't too sticky. Spread the ground flax on a plate. Form the mixture into two patties then coat in the ground flax. Wrap with cling film and chill in the fridge for half an hour before cooking. Can be fried in a medium hot pan or baked in the oven for 20 minutes until golden.

We had them served in a food doctors multi seeded pitta with a sliced babybel light, some fresh salsa, tomato ketchup and a mixed salad.

Completely gorgeous! I was a bit nervous about what Helen would think but she loved her burger and cleared her plate! For desert we had Chocolate Mint Tofu Pudding (usual chocolate tofu pudding recipe without the added milk and with a few drops of natural mint extract.)

In case any of you were curious, this is the mori nu silken tofu that I use to make tofu puddings. Its a fantastic ingredient for making healthy non diary deserts. Blended till smooth in the food processor it will just take the flavour of what you put with it, just don't forget the agave for a little sweetness. In my supermarket its stocked near the pot noodles and smash for some reason!

I've just got home from dropping Helen off, its weird cooking for other people apart from the hubby. I'm glad that she liked the bean burgers and chocolate mint pudding! She was well suprised when I told her it was made from tofu.

Sooo glad that its Friday tomorrow. Roll on the weekend, in fact roll on next weekend when I'm off to Brighton for the week! Hope your all having a good week x


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