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Breakfast in Bed

When I woke up the sun was shining, the birds were signing and I could hear the Cathedral Bells ringing, it was perfect. I decided to have my breakfast in bed whilst reading magazines.

I had a chopped grapefruit with greek yoghurt and a few tablespoons of Dorset Cereals Muesli and a cup of Mao Feng Green Tea.

I enjoyed my American Women's Health Mag, it has a great article with Jillian Michaels, I love her!

When I eventually dragged my arse out of bed I went to the supermarket for my big grocery shop. It was much busier than usual, everyone was obviously wanting to get their shopping done so they could get home and enjoy the sun. I got a great haul of fruit and veggies and I picked up a couple of bottles of salad dressing to try out for something different, plus two bars of my favourite Green and Blacks Chocolate that were on offer. I got one 70% Dark and one 85% Dark, which I haven't tried before. I hope I like it as I'm guessing it will be very bitter!

I made myself a large glass of iced decaf coffee with a little coconut milk. I had one glass this morning with some vanilla extract and then one small glass this afternoon with some natural mint flavouring. Very refreshing!

For lunch I had two poached eggs on toasted rye bread with some asparagus stir fried in garlic olive oil.

So good, even though my poaching skills are rubbish!

I also had a green monster (spinach, frozen banana, coconut milk, maca powder) and a braeburn apple.

The coconut milk worked really well in the smoothie, I'm totally sold on it, will definitely be buying it in regular rotation with my rice milks.

I spent most of the day just getting little jobs done around the flat. It was still lovely and warm but it clouded over later in the day. Mid afternoon I had half a large pot of cottage cheese with some nakd cherry infused raisins and some flaked almonds.

For dinner I made a beautiful salad using some chicken breast pieces which I'd marinaded in lemon juice, garlic and olive oil and stir fried. In the salad went cos lettuce, mixed salad leaves from a bag, red pepper, tomato, cucumber, red onion and carrot plus a tablespoon of sweet pepper peri peri dressing.

The dressing tasted sweet and spicy and made the salad much more interesting. I had checked the ingredients list before I bought it and it was full of healthy fats and only a little sugar so I feel I can indulge in this every so often.

Desert was a bowl of chocolate tofu pudding I'd whipped up earlier (see my recipes page for the recipe, its really simple to make!) I decided to try adding some natural mint flavouring - it tasted fantastic, chocolate mint is one of my favourite flavours.

Drinks - water, green tea, iced decaf coffee, decaf tea

Exercise - rest day, although I had a walk to meet the hubby at the train station which was about 2 miles.

I really hope that the weather stays nice for a few more days but I've just had a quick look at the Met Office and it ain't looking good, at least for us here in the North East. Total bummer!

At least I've got an interesting week coming up, I have an event at work on Thursday and then I'm going to a gig on Thursday night followed by a total geek fest on Friday at the Doctor Who Exhibition, I can't wait! Hope you have all had a great weekend x


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