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Being productive, yoghurt treats, a wish list and a new age of budgeting

I’ve been super productive today, I’ve had my doctors check up, registered with a new dentist, sorted out the tyres on my car, done some rearranging of my finances, all those things you end up putting off for ages. I feel much better for not having those things on my mind!

Today I was also the lucky recipient of these new split pot yoghurts from Total to review:


They came delivered in a cute cool bag! I’ve been a fan of Total Greek yoghurt for ages and reviewed some of their products last year. Their 2% Greek yoghurt is just amazing. These split pots come in 4 flavour variations: strawberry, blueberry, tropical and honey. As I no longer eat a lot of dairy, (and prefer organic when I do eat it) I’ll only be trying a couple of these and will be sharing the rest out with the hubby and some friends to get their opinion!

Big thanks for all the wonderful comments regarding my Diet and Nutrition Advisor course, I’m really excited about it and my mind has been going into over drive about how I can make it work for me. Some financial rearranging has been needed to enable me to afford the course fees but on the plus side it has made some spare cash available for other things that have been sitting on my wish list for a long time including:

DSLR camera (Lumix FZ45):I studied photography as part of my BA in Art and Design and have been hoping to take it up again. A decent camera will enable me to get back into it as well as being able to take better images to post on the blog. The model I am considering at the moment is the Panasonic Lumix FZ45 but if anyone has any recommendations I’d love to hear them!

Garmin Forerunner:

Last year I got by using my Runkeeper app on my iPhone but it was far from ideal. I am very excited to be able to get a Garmin at last! This will allow me to track my mileage and pace as well as heart rate and calorie burn.

In addition to these I’ve also recently ordered:

MTV Yoga and MTV Power Yoga:

MTV Yoga [DVD] [2002]

Jessica gave these DVD’s a great review and as I am no longer doing my yoga class I thought these could be really useful to help me keep up with some yoga at home.

Crazy, Sexy, Diet: Kris Carr:

Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, and Live Like You Mean It!

I became aware of this book via Choosing Raw and I knew it would be something I would find really interesting. It seems to be along a similar line to The Kind Diet, i.e. advocates a plant based vegan diet. It also includes a 21 day cleanse programme but don’t worry I won’t be doing any more detoxes for a while yet! I’ll probably do a full review of this once I’ve read it in case anyone’s interested.

I also need to keep some cash back for new running shoes. How do you go about getting new running shoes? Do you get properly fitted? I got properly fitted last year but I still ended up getting injured and had to go back to wearing my old trainers with inserts in them instead! I’m not sure the best way to approach it this time, any tips would be appreciated!

Although its going to be fun to get a few new things and be able to do the course, this financial rearranging means I need to take a serious look at my day to day money management. I did really well last year on my Big Budget Challenge and I need to be making a move back towards that way of living on a more permanent basis. I do think that we should be able to treat ourselves when we work hard, but my problem is spending beyond my means. I think its going to be a work in progress but I feel like I’m now on the right track :-)

Hope you all haven’t minded this diversion from the usual blog format, I’ll be back tomorrow with foodie pics galore! Hope your having a good week :-)


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