A change does you good
For the first time in ages I woke up this Monday morning and didn’t want to crawl straight back into bed! I think this yummy breakfast may have had something to do with it:
Almond and quinoa muffin with chopped apple, tofu ‘yoghurt’ (mori nu silken tofu blended with 1 small jar of apple and blueberry baby food and 1 tsp of vanilla extract) plus pumpkin and sunflower seeds and a vanilla coffee sweetened with agave. I really enjoyed the tofu yoghurt, I’ve made loads of variations of blended tofu puddings but this was a perfect yoghurt replacement, delicious.
For lunch I decided to try out some of the Clearspring ramen noodles I received last week. I had the soya sauce noodles with nori wraps containing my avocado / nutritional yeast mix and shredded carrot:
I really enjoyed those noodles, they do have a long ingredients list but its all whole recognisable ingredients. The soya sauce flavour was delicious and they were very easy to make – just add boiling water, microwave then add sauce. Like a pot noodle but without all the crap!
I also had a sliced kiwi and orange:
Mid afternoon I had a peppermint stick Luna bar before heading off to the gym:
At the gym I did 15 minutes of HIITs on the step machine, 15 minutes of HIITs on the cross trainer followed by my abs and core exercises and my 30 minute spin class which was packed tonight.
Yesterday, as part of my Sunday cook up session I made some of my delicious Italian Leek and Bean Stew so for dinner I had a nice big portion along with some spelt pasta and swiss chard sautéed with garlic:
It was gorgeous and so filling. Dessert was a protein smoothie in a bowl made with ice cubes, soy milk and fruitein protein powder plus goji berries for topping:
The postie was also my friend today when he delivered my Viva Pure order:
I ordered maca powder, chia seeds, mesquite and raw cacao. Included with my order were a few additional goodies for me to review – raw chia seed superfood porridge mix, raw crunchy apple granola and spicy pumpkin seeds. I had a sneaky taste of the granola and pumpkin seeds and they are both fabulous, can’t wait to try out the porridge mix!
As I think I may have hinted in Friday’s post I’ve been doing lots of thinking over the last few days about my future. Just to give you a bit of background, I’m currently a project manager for a small charity that works to support other charities and community groups. Next year our funding runs out and it will be time to look for a new job. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I would like to do next and I really fancy a bit of a change of direction. Obviously I am passionate about healthy eating, cooking and fitness and would love to be able to earn a living (or at least part of a living) doing work in this area. I’ve decided to enrol on a distance learning course to gain a qualification as a Diet and Nutrition Advisor. I’m really excited about it and think that it will complement the skills and qualifications I already have working in the community and voluntary sector. I love that feeling of optimism for the future and all it could bring!
I also have a few ideas for refreshing and reorganising the blog including a re design and a few more fashion and home posts, the flat is in need of a spring make over and I’ve been seeking some budget friendly decor updates I can’t wait to share with you over the next couple of weeks!
Have you ever changed jobs or careers or followed your passions?
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