I’m completely buzzing at the moment, we had some fantastic news yesterday – my husband has been offered a new job! He’s been trying to get out of his current job for a few years so this is just massive news for us. It also means that he will go from working all sorts of crazy hours to working a 9-5 week day job. This is going to impact on us in a huge way – we will actually have weekends together now! Anyway, I’m feeling extremely grateful for all the good things in my life right now!
Yesterday kicked off with my usual 45 minutes of strength and cardio from my Davina DVD followed by a massive kabocha squash smoothie:
I had a fair bit of left over squash so put in a little more than usual plus some ice cubes, vanilla soy milk, water, vanilla protein powder, ginger, cinnamon, wheat germ, ground flax and xanthan gum. This nearly overflowed the bowl! I topped it with a crumbled homemade gingerbread cookie and also enjoyed a cup of black Christmas tea. It was just amazing, so smooth and creamy, I can’t imagine life without kabocha!
Lunch was another hummus topped salad beast same as Monday plus two small pears. I decided to use some overtime hours at work and finish early so I popped to the gym for a quick workout – yes, two workouts in one day! I had loads of energy so I thought I might as well use it! I did 45 minutes of HIITs on the treadmill, step machine and cross trainer. Post workout snack was a delicious jammy Almond and Quinoa Muffin:
This one was from the freezer and I can report that they freeze very well. Dinner was some P’s Curry from the freezer served with a big side of steamed greens with soy sauce:
This curry really is tasty and so healthy, I must make up some more soon!
Desert was some Rachel’s Organic Coconut Greek Yoghurt with two sliced organic braeburns:
I also had another two apples after these. I think the additional hunger was no doubt due to the extra cardio. I’m certainly not going to sweat about eating an extra couple of apples when I’m hungry! The hubby ate what was left of the Coconut yoghurt, luckily he wasn’t a massive fan so I can keep this flavour to myself in future!
Today I’ve been officially working from home, but I decided just to do a few hours and use overtime hours again. This meant I could enjoy a little lie in and a relaxed breakfast. I made a peanut butter and apple seeded egg white and spelt wrap with a Christmas Coffee:
The Christmas Coffee was amazing! I was going to wait and do my last bit of grocery shopping tomorrow but the snow has started here and I knew I would just spend all day stressing in case the car got stuck so I decided to just go and get what I needed. My organic veg box should be coming tomorrow but I stocked up on a few other bits and pieces including organic apples, pomegranates, fresh figs, passion fruits, satsumas, maple roasted nuts, dark chocolate for baking and some milk and English muffins for James.
Mid morning I hit the gym and did 15 minutes on the tread x 2 plus 15 minutes of HIITs each on the bike and step machine plus abs work. I had wanted to do 30 minutes straight on the treadmill but it looks like my iPod shuffle has died a death and there’s no way I could run for that long on the tread with no banging tunes!
Lunch was some basil tofu, swede chips, kabocha squash and steamed greens with ketchup:
I also had a couple of un pictured pears. I’ve just snacked on a slice of tasty Couscous cake too:
Tonight's dinner will probably just be some toast with marmite and carrot and cucumber sticks and perhaps a couple of oranges as I have a friend popping round for coffee. Can’t believe we only have a few days left before Christmas, I’m so excited, especially for some of the tasty meals I have planned. Today I have done some cleaning and ironing and tomorrow will be lots of cooking. After much thought I’ve decided to make a veggie loaf as my turkey alternative for Christmas day. Thanks to you all who suggested lovely dishes, I’ve gone for this as it seems fairly straightforward and will make for yummy boxing day leftovers! I’m also going to make a chocolate orange cake which I will bake tomorrow and then decorate on Christmas Eve. At the moment I’m feeling pretty well organised although I have no idea what I’m going to wear on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I feel an emergency shopping trip on the cards! Do you dress up on Christmas day or go casual? I like to make sure I have an outfit with some room for a food baby!
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