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11 things and GIVEAWAY Winner

First up, the winner of my blog birthday GIVEWAY is….


Savannah! Congratulations! Can you email me with your address and I’ll get your prize posted out. Thanks to everyone that entered, I can’t believe I got 240 entries!

Hope your all having a good Monday, mine hasn’t been too bad as far as Monday’s go! This afternoon the lovely Katie tagged me in her 11 things survey. It’s a survey where I 1) have to post 11 things about myself, 2) answer the questions she asks, and 3) then come up with 11 new questions for anyone that I tag! I haven’t done a fun survey in ages so thought it would be nice to take part:

Here are the survey “rules”:

#1: You must post these rules.
#2: Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
#3: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.

So here it goes, 11 things about me!

1. My fave radio station is BBC Radio 6 – last year I started to find Radio 1 completely crap and I had just got a DAB radio so now I listen to Radio 6 all day long, I really love the breakfast show and Lauren Laverne’s show

2. My workout music is completely different to my other musical tastes. For working out I love Rihanna, David Guetta, Beyonce, Kelly Rowland, Kayne West etc. When I’m not working out I currently love Florence and the Machine, Two Door Cinema Club, Yeah Yeah Yeah’s (although they do occasionally make it on to my workout list), Friendly Fires, Foo Fighters etc


3. My Dad and Uncle are both black belts in Wing Chung Kung Fu (the type Bruce Lee practiced). My uncle runs classes in our local area. I often joke that if it wasn’t for Bruce Lee I would not exist as my Mam and Dad met at a self defence class


4. Speaking of which, I love vintage martial arts movies! Enter the Dragon, Game of Death and Way of the Dragon are my faves.

5. I have over 10 striped t-shirts in my wardrobe – I have a slight obsession

6. One of my favourite magazines is Living Etc, I love interior design and long for the day I have a bigger house and the money to decorate it!


7. I used to do Ballet when I was little until I had to stop when I contracted Whooping Cough. I was in a production at the local community centre and a photo of me made it into the local paper

8. I had bright blonde hair from the age of 2 until about 5 years old

9. I used to be crazy about horses. When I was a teenager I went horse riding once a week until I had an accident which left me with two black eyes, my Dad didn’t want me doing it again after that as he worried about me too much

10. I used to be a social smoker. Up until 3 years ago I would smoke whenever I went out for a drink, to friends houses that smoked etc. I eventually gave it up completely (thank god) as I started getting healthier

11. I’m an avid list writer. I have lists for allsorts of things including wish lists of stuff I want to buy, lists of recipes or meals to try and a ‘happy’ list where I make note of the little things in life that make me smile. Whenever I need cheering up I check out my happy list.


Now for Katie’s questions

1. If you could run any race or compete in any sporting event in the world, what would it be?

New York Marathon

2. How many states or cities have you lived in?

I’ll translate this for the UK and say how many counties I’ve lived in – Tyne and Wear (Gateshead and Newcastle), Cumbria (I lived in Carlisle with an ex boyfriend for a while) and County Durham (I now live in Durham City)

3. Dog or cat person?

Totally a dog person, I’d love a little doggy companion!

4. What is your favorite chip flavor?

I’m guessing this is crisps for us British – Thai Sweet Chilli is my fave!

5. If you could buy a vacation home anywhere in the world, where would you pick?

I’d love an apartment in NYC!

6. What is your favorite dish to make for other people?

Brownies or banana nut muffins

7. Are you a talker or a listener?

I’d like to think I’m a bit of both ;-)

8. What’s your favorite nail polish color?

I always tend to go back to my trusty Channel Rouge Noir

9. What is a weird quirk that you have?

I have to drink my tea from big mugs and I sometimes reuse my tea bags by just topping the mug up with more hot water. No idea why I do it, I just got into the habit and do it all the time now!

10. What’s the best book you’ve ever read?

Right now I’d be tempted to say The Hunger Games, just because I’ve recently read them. Other than that the only other books I’ve totally devoured have been the Harry Potter books and all of the Disc World books by Terry Pratchet

11. If you could date an action hero (Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc.) who would it be?

Iron Man or Charles Xavier from X-Men if it was James McAvoy playing him ;-)

I would now like to tag:

Tamzin @ Salad and Sequins

Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes

Jess @ Almost Over Now

Sophie @ Live Love Learn

Maria @ Running Cupcake

Nicole @ Nicole and Gwendolyn

Here’s my 11 questions for these guys:

  1. What is your dream travel destination?
  2. If you were throwing a party for yourself what would be your theme?
  3. Favourite TV show?
  4. How would you describe your taste in music?
  5. If they made a film of your life, which actress would play you?
  6. If you could have any super power what would it be?
  7. Tea or Coffee?
  8. Sum yourself up in 5 words…
  9. If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit?
  10. Who would be invited to your dream dinner party?
  11. Name one thing that you collect…

Pick a question and give me an answer!


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