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WIAW–On an actual Wednesday! + Things I’m Loving Right Now

Happy Wednesday everyone, and happy WIAW! This is actually what I did and ate on a Wednesday for a change, hence why this is a bit of a late post. Thanks again to Jenn for hosting the party!

Peas and Crayons

When I got up I had the usual mug of warm water and lemon juice and then hit the gym. I did 5k of speed intervals on the treadmill, changing the pace every 0.25 miles. I did that in about 26 minutes then hopped on over to the step machine, bike and cross trainer for a further 30 minutes of HIITs to give me a great sweaty cardio workout all in under an hour!

Breakfast was something a bit special this morning, I surveyed the contents of my fridge and came up with this delicious Squash, Courgette, Banana Bread Smoothie!


It included spinach, 1/2 heaping cup of roast squash, 1 medium courgette, 1/2 frozen banana, 1 scoop vanilla sun warrior, maca powder, spirulina, 1 tsp black strap molasses, cinnamon, ginger, water, ice, gums and vanilla stevia. For toppings I added almond butter sauce, crunchy shoyu roasted squash seeds, dried cranberries, cinnamon and a drizzle of maple syrup. Heaven! This was so creamy, I loved the salty squash seeds with the sweet cranberries too. I also had a big mug of Tea Pigs Chilli Chai.


Lunch was a big salad containing romaine, red cabbage, carrot, cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, adzuki beans and a dressing made with tahini, sweet white miso, ume vinegar and black sesame seeds mixed with water, it was gorgeous! I also had a couple of satsumas:


For a mid afternoon snack I ate a pack of thai sweet chilli roasted chickpeas, raw kale chips and a pink lady apple accompanied by a giant mug of green tea:


Those chickpeas were amazing and so filling! I had fully expected to be raiding my snack drawer again but they kept me going until I finished work.

Dinner was from my frozen stash – Thai red curry with tofu and veggies along with some millet and steamed greens:


For dessert I had something really lush, Sweet Squash Dip with chopped apples:


I’ll share the recipe tomorrow as this is so good!

I thought I’d spice up this fairly dull WIAW post by sharing with you a few things I’m loving right now:

Red heartThese Tumblr blogs:

As these are on Tumblr, posts tend to be short and frequent which I like. These three are awesome, excellent for inspiration, workouts to try, questions answered and tasty healthy foods. Check them out! You can also check out my tumblr page although I have neglected it a bit recently!

Red heartThis little quote:

Pinned Imagesource

Love that :-)

Red heartThis cute hand warmer:

Topshop, £6.50

I have terrible cold hands in the winter, I’d love this to slip into my pockets!

Red heartThe fig and tahini combo I blogged about yesterday – I’m dreaming about it!

Red heartAttempting to make my own cushion cover to finally finish the bedroom redecoration.

Red heartThe mix CD James made for me that I’m listening to on repeat in the car – it includes tracks by Fleet Foxes, Laura Marling, Friendly Fires, Pete Yorn + Scarlett Johansson, Air and Zero 7. So in love with it, he’s such a sweet fella :-)

Red heartSimply enjoying the beautiful autumn – the weather, the clothes, the food, the trees – everything! I’m so excited for Halloween and Bonfire Night!

What are you loving right now?


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