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WIAW–Inspiration for September

Happy WIAW! Hope your having a good Wednesday :-)

Peas and Crayons

I headed to the gym first thing this morning and had a great workout – I did 30 minutes on the bike set on random so it felt almost like a bit like spinning! I then did 10 minutes each on the cross trainer, step machine and rowing machine doing 1 minute hard / moderate intervals finishing up with some abs and core exercises.

For breakfast I made a delicious chocolate cherry almond beet smoothie:


This contained kale, 1 raw beet, frozen cherries, 1 scoop of chocolate hemp protein powder, barley grass powder, maca powder, msm crystals, stevia, almond extract, ice, water, xanthan and guar gums. I topped it with some of my home made raw salted almond cashew butter, goji’s and pistachios. I’m really loving adding almond extract to my smoothies at the moment!

For lunch I had a huge salad with cos lettuce, carrot, cucumber, red pepper, olives, basil tofu and braggs. I also ate a nectarine:


*Insert freaking out about my car costing a fortune to pass its MOT here*

Over the course of the afternoon I snacked on a couple of delicious pink lady apples and some cheesy kale chips:


These were the last of the kale chips – I will have to make some more quick!

For dinner I made a socca wrap with some fresh chopped basil in the batter and filled it with some random granovita veggie pate I found in the cupboard, sliced red pepper, carrots and olives. I also had some yummy roast broccoli and some salt and vinegar roasted courgette ‘chips’:


This was delicious although I was a little bit unsure about that veggie pate but it needed to be used up!

For dessert I’m going to have one of my raw cookies and cream cheese cakes:


Still love these!

I also managed to avoid any big snack fests last night and felt so much better for it. I’m also feeling much more balanced and back to my normal self. I’ve been finding that focusing and thinking about the things I have ahead of me this month to be a real help. Here’s a few images that represent my September inspiration!

I am planning a bit of a ‘detox’ at the end of the month so will be drinking a lot of beautiful green juice!


I’ll be finishing off decorating my bedroom, and due to the huge car repair bill I’ve just paid, I’ll be making use of the stuff I already have like these lovely pillow cases.


I got ridiculously excited on Saturday when I noticed that they are opening a Starbucks in Durham! I may be skint but there’s no way I won’t be enjoying my favourite soy chai latte when it opens!


The Great North Run is now less than a week away, I’m excited but scared all at the same time!


I’m looking forward to changing my hair colour this month and I’m totally inspired by the gorgeous cherry red colour in this image.


I’m obsessed with all things squash at the moment. I have one roasting in the oven right now and I’ll happily be eating them all season!



I love the chunky knit in this pic, bring on the chilly autumn mornings!

What’s been inspiring you recently?


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