WIAW–Failure to plan and Body Pump 80
Hello everyone, hope your having a good week so far. I don’t know about you but I’m definitely starting to enter holiday mode now even though I still have a week of work left. Tomorrow evening we have our big Christmas party and awards evening for the community groups and charities we support at work and then on Friday we have our staff Christmas party. I can’t wait!
These are my eats and happenings from yesterday! I got up ridiculously early to do my usual Tuesday morning yoga. I did Yoga for Runners and my word it felt good, my legs have been getting progressively tighter so it was nice to stretch them out!
OOTD: ‘Stag’ necklace: Primark, navy coat: New Look, stripy scarf: Accessorize, mustard yellow jumper dress: H&M, diamond patterned fishnet tights: Accessorize, black ankle boots: New Look
Breakfast was another squash smoothie, I just can’t get enough of these at the moment! It contained a mix of roast butternut and red kabocha, kara coconut milk, vanilla sun warrior protein powder, ice, cinnamon, ginger and ground flax. I topped it with some Bear Apple Pie Granola and some maple sugar:
I adore the maple sugar, its a new to me ingredient that I sneaked on to an iHerb order and its gorgeous! I’ve used it to make homemade maple nut butter too. I also had a cinnamon and hazelnut coffee with stevia and coconut milk.
Mid morning I snacked on some carrot, cucumber and the most delicious raw maca dip:
I made the dip following this recipe from Raw Living and it is amazing! It tastes like caramel – next time I’m going to add a pinch of salt for a salted caramel, yum!
For lunch I had a big salad with little gem lettuce, spinach, home grown alfalfa sprouts, braggs and some maple balsamic baked tofu:
I baked the tofu for Monday evenings dinner – it was marinaded in a mix of maple syrup, blueberry balsamic vinegar and shoyu and it tasted amazing! This salad could have really done with more veggies and a better dressing but my fridge was a bit lacking and I didn’t have time to knock up a decent dressing, it still tasted good but could have done with some extra oomph!
Mid afternoon I snacked on a little bag of blackcurrant fruit yu’s:
I won these in a giveaway the lovely Rachel was hosting and they were very tasty. They kind of reminded me of jelly tots for some reason!
I have to admit, at this point in the day I was starving. Work was busy so I had no time to nip out and find something to eat and my snack drawer was empty. I’m usually much better at planning my meals so that I have enough but today was a failure!
After work I hit the gym. Even though I was hungry I didn’t feel too tired. I did 10 min HIITs on the step machine and cross trainer (20 mins total) and then I had my Body Pump class. We did the new release – Body Pump 80 for the first time. It was good to be doing a fresh routine although a few of the tracks are pretty similar to the last release. I found the lunge track to be the most challenging!
For dinner I took the lazy option and had some steamed spring greens with tamari and ginger and a bowl of broth topped with two Linda McCartney vegan sausages:
Simple but tasty, and most importantly quick to make! I pretty much inhaled this :-)
For dessert I did my usual post body pump thing and made a bowl of protein ice cream, I just never seem to get sick of this! I made this bowl using a 1 1/2 scoops of smores spirutein powder, ice, water, stevia and the gums. I added an additional tbsp of cocoa powder to give it more chocolate flavour and topped with some chocolate covered sunflower seeds:
I also had another good handful of those chocy seeds, they are addictive! I finished the day with a big mug of cococardio hot chocolate with a dash of kara coconut milk:
Not a bad day but I was really annoyed at myself for not taking more food to work with me, I hate feeling that hungry and I was lucky that I had the energy for my workout and that the broth I had for dinner filled me up quite well. I’m now on a mission to re stock my snack drawer! Oh, and apologies for the shocking photos, we’ve had pretty much zero natural light so I’m resorting to the flash and my phone camera, very annoying!
Have you tried Body Pump 80? What did you think? Have you ever been stuck hungry with no chance of getting out to buy some food? Have you any Christmas parties to look forward to?
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