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WIAW–Christmas Countdown and even more good news!

Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope your having an awesome day, I’m super excited as this is my last day at work until the New Year! As always, Wednesday means WIAW!

Peas and Crayons

If your not familiar with What I Ate Wednesday hop on over to see Jenn at Peas and Crayons to find out more. I love being able to look back over my WIAW posts as a way of seeing if I’ve been eating in a balanced way and I love looking at other people’s posts for inspiration – sometimes its those randomly put together meals and snacks that are the most tasty!

These are my eats from Monday. As its the week before Christmas I decided to work a flexible week which means I can enjoy a couple of little lie ins (and I mean little, I was still up at 6.30!) and get to the gym in the morning as they have changed their usual 7am opening time to 9am this week.

I started my day as usual with a mug of warm water and fresh lemon juice, then I made a little breakfast. I had a bowl of peanut butter puffins with a chopped apple and unsweetened soy milk plus a frothy vanilla coffee with soy milk and stevia:


I love having soy milk in the house so I can make a proper frothy coffee! I pottered about the house until it was time to hit the gym. I did my regular Monday workout – 5 minutes warm up on the cross trainer, 25 minutes of strength training from Female Body Breakthrough followed by 15 minutes of intervals on the treadmill. I got home and showered then made a protein smoothie in a bowl to refuel:


This was made with 1 scoop of fruitein powder, half a persimmon, ice and water topped with the other half of the persimmon and some goji berries. It was delicious!

I headed into work and tried to focus and not let myself get into holiday mode just yet! I had a big salad as a late lunch:


Cos lettuce, carrot, cucumber, roast salted edamame, raisins and tahini miso dressing, it was delish!

When I got home from work I was starving so I raided the cupboards and fruit bowl. I started with a bag of Sweet Chilli Sun Bites and a few satsumas then went back for some apples:

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I also had an un pictured handful of raisins and the last of the bag of roasted edamame that hadn’t made it onto my lunch. I was just ravenous all of a sudden!

After that snack attack I was pretty full so just had a smallish dinner (well, small for me) - I ate leftovers from Sunday nights meal – black beans and quinoa with some fresh parsley mixed in, served with raw kale massaged with lemon juice and braggs:


For dessert I made some tofu cottage cheese with frozen raspberries and flaked almonds:


I was glad I felt fuller after eating that as we went and did our Big Christmas Food shop and if I’d still been hungry goodness knows what I would have brought home with me!

I am trying to eat as normally and healthily as possible this week but I have to admit I’m definitely getting in the mood to relax and enjoy more of my treat foods, and in larger amounts! I’m also still getting in my workouts but it takes so much more effort to go to the gym at 9am after being up for a couple of hours and once I’m there I just want the workout done as quick as possible so I can get on with the rest of my day. I think it just shows that I’m truly a creature of habit and routine!

How are you doing this week? How long do you continue your healthy habits on the lead up to Christmas?

Oh, and the good news… Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish has been featured on Channel 4 Beauty’s selection of Best Health Blogs!


How awesome is that!!! Seriously I can not believe that the little blog I started almost 2 years ago has grown like this, its just amazing that people read my ramblings, thank you all!


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