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WIAW: The Power of Good Eats

Hello everyone, hope you are having a great week! I’m back again today for WIAW. I took last week off with being on holiday, I had thought about trying to do one but believe me trying to keep track of everything that went in my mouth on any day last week would have been a challenge!

Peas and Crayons

Speaking of which, this week I have been trying to eat that bit more healthy to get myself back on track. I loved all of the rich foods I ate while away but I did over do it a bit as you should when on your holidays of course! However I came home with a stonking head cold and sore throat and generally feeling crap. I’m feeling a lot better after a few days of healthy eats thank goodness – and lots of magical cold busting smoothies too! These are my eats from yesterday…

I got up and had the usual warm water with lemon then I got my juicer out! I made my standard green juice with cucumber, celery, ginger and lemon, along with a glass of water and raw apple cider vinegar and a mug of chai rooibos tea:

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I also had a quick handful of bee pollen:

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I decided to really dress for the autumn with my new yellow jumper, heart pendant necklace and brown leather boots with black leggings:


I saw a pretty rainbow on the way to work:

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Once I got to the office I had a proper breakfast – and it was so good! I had 3 fresh figs with a chia pudding made with chia seeds, almond milk and Jarrow Chocolate Brown Rice Protein Powder (loving this new to me protein powder!) plus some stevia:

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Mid morning I made myself a mug of miso soup:

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Then for lunch I had an epic salad:

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I can not tell you how much I have missed my big salads while I’ve been away! This was delicious and contained cos lettuce, cucumber, red pepper, red onion and black beans. I made a quick dressing with hemp oil, braggs liquid aminos and apple cider vinegar and that really did the trick.

Mid afternoon I snacked on a handful of plain, raw cashew nuts:

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Then a matcha green tea with unsweetened almond milk and stevia:

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After that it was gym time! I had 30 minutes of cardio in the gym before my Body Pump class:


I must have had a thing about taking pics of my feet yesterday! ;-) It was a great class, feeling so good for getting back into it again!

Since coming back from holiday I have to admit I have been woefully unprepared in the kitchen but luckily smoothies have been what I’ve been craving after all that rich food. For dinner I made a smoothie with spinach, romaine, vanilla sun warrior protein powder, 2 tbsp of tahini, vanilla stevia, maca, water and ice:

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I added a chopped apple on top. I just love tahini in smoothies it adds such a great flavour. I’m also trying to be more mindful of getting some maca in daily as I try and support my adrenals – thanks to all of you that mentioned about that in my goals for October post!

For a bit of a dessert I busted out the pumpkin! I had bought a few cans of Libby’s online and I was so excited about using it! I just had 1/3 of a can plain with cinnamon and some Coyo coconut yoghurt:

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I treated myself to some more Coyo and brought it home from Brighton and oh my god it is just heaven! I need that in my life more often!

A little later I made a warming mug of hot chocolate using cococardio and unsweetened almond milk and a few drops of stevia:

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I think I’ll be having plenty more of these over the colder months! I also drank lots of green tea through the day as always!

I’ve generally been trying to eat minimally processed foods, lots of greens and little sugar as well as giving myself a boost with the inclusion of some fermented foods containing good bacteria for the gut such as raw apple cider vinegar and miso soup. I’m making sure I don’t cut back on calories by including plenty of fats such as nuts, seeds and of course that delicious coconut yoghurt. I’m also giving the ole coffee a miss for a few days before I reintroduce it in reduced amounts.

It just goes to show the power of just a few days of healthy eating, I feel back to my old self and ready to take on the world! Oh and I can not wait to spend some time in the kitchen this weekend preparing some delicious and healthy eats for the following week!

What foods help you to feel better? Do you believe in the power of healthy foods?


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