WIAW: Little routines
Firstly I’d just like to say a big thank you for all the comments on my last post. Thank you to those of you that shared your own stories of weight gain, weight loss and weight maintenance. As Phil commented, this journey doesn’t have an end date. I know that my understanding of what is healthy for me is going to change and evolve over time, and that’s a journey I’m looking forward to enjoying!
For WIAW this week I’m sharing my eats from yesterday. I got a bit snap happy with my camera phone so these are my eats interspersed with some of the random goings on in my life, enjoy!
I kicked off my day with a short run. After getting up and drinking my hot lemon water I did a short and relaxed run that must have been about 3 miles. I snapped this lovely pic of the sunshine from my front door:
I then did the Yoga for Runners podcast and got myself showered and dressed before making breakfast. I always start with taking my supplements:
If I don’t take them straight away I usually forget! Then there was coffee, a smoothie and peanut butter on toast:
I treated myself to that peanut butter last week, it is the best and most drippy peanut butter in the world in my opinion! The toast was made with a delicious slice of the Burgen Sunflower and Chia bread I’ve been sent to experiment with:
The smoothie contained ice, frozen blueberries, half a frozen banana, Alpro hazelnut milk, a scoop of vanilla sun warrior and ground flax. It was fabulous!
Coffee was a must, this was vanilla coffee with stevia and hazelnut milk :-)
Every day I put on some of my vanilla oil from Kiehls. I love it more than perfume as it has a much more natural scent. Outfit wise, I decided to go a bit casual for work as I had no meetings:
OOTD: basic grey tee: New Look, yellow cardigan: H&M, necklace: Topshop, black ankle skimming straight leg trousers: Zara, socks: Accessorize, trainers: Converse, yellow coat: New Look, scarf: Dorothy Perkins
Mid morning I started to feel a bit hungry so had a big braeburn apple and one of my wonderful raw cherry almond protein brownies:
Those brownies really are so good! Lunch was a massive salad made with romaine, spinach, carrot, cucumber, red pepper, olives and some marigold braised tofu:
I’d bought the tin of braised tofu ages ago on the recommendation of a work colleague. It had a very odd texture, it tasted ok but I don’t think I’d buy it again! After lunch I tried some of this caramel redbush tea my colleague had brought in:
She used to live in Germany and had found this brand of tea over there. It was nice and reminded me of vanilla rooibos tea.
Later on in the afternoon I had another snack, rice cakes topped with tahini and molasses spread plus three fresh figs:
I’d seen the fresh figs in Asda for a reasonable price and couldn’t resist them!
After work it was off to deliver healthy eating workshop no 2! This week I decided to have a go making some cookies with them. I also brought ingredients to make individual microwave chocolate chip muffins:
I used a recipe based on CCK’s Mini Love bites for the cookies and her single lady cupcakes for the muffins. I slimmed down the ingredients leaving out the salt and vanilla extract and allowed the young people to choose their own add ins including chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, dried mixed berries and chopped nuts. I also cut the whole wheat flour in the cupcakes recipe with a little white flour to make them slightly lighter. Both recipes worked extremely well and the young people loved them! I was working with a lot more kids last night than the week before but things were great. I printed out copies of the recipes for them to take home. Of course I snacked on a couple of cookies, some of one of the muffins and a couple of pieces of pineapple and melon at the end of the session, yum!
I was knackered by the time I got home and just wanted something simple and comforting, enter porridge! I had a spare carrot in the fridge so decided to make my carrot, raisin and coconut porridge:
I topped it with two tbsp of coconut butter for some melty heavenly goodness. Then I made a cuppa while I cleaned up:
I’d just received this tea from iHerb and oh my god its lush! Its very spicy with almost a chai taste to it, perfect evening tea. I picked James up from his late shift and was very happy to just fall straight into bed:
I pretty much passed out ;-)
I’m pretty happy with that day of eats. I feel like I ate well although I would have liked more veggies but at least I got another carrot in via my bowl of porridge ;-)
Taking more snap shots throughout the day made me realise how many little routines I have like taking my supplements first, always putting on my vanilla oil, having a cup of herbal tea in the evening and doing the dishes before bed etc. What little routines to you have?
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