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WIAW and exciting things!

 Happy Wednesday everyone, you ready for another WIAW?

Peas and Crayons

I started my day in the usual way with a mug of warm water and lemon juice then I headed out for my run. As I did my half marathon at the weekend I decided to take it easy and have a recovery run. I did 6.4 miles in 59.25 with an average pace of 9.17. It was a pleasant run but even though the sun was shining it there was a freezing wind! When I got home I did my abs and core exercises then made a giant smoothie for breakfast:


This was delicious! I blended up some kale, cos lettuce, 1/2 avocado, nectarine, frozen strawberries, coconut water, vanilla sun warrior protein powder, spirulina, barley grass powder, maca and the usual gums for thickness. I topped it with goji berries, coconut, pistachios and a little granola. I decided to wear a nice yellow top to match the sunny weather:

P1070509 Yellow camisole: Old Navy, Black cardigan: M&S, necklace: H&M, gold crown earrings: Accessorize

For lunch I had some wonderful sweet cantaloupe melon followed by a big bowl of my gorgeous Smokey Spicy Black Eye Bean Soup and a couple of Ryvita pumpkin and oat crackers:

P1070503 P1070518

I was in meetings all afternoon but managed to snack on a peppermint stick Luna bar:


For dinner I had defrosted one of my sweet potato falafel burgers which I baked in the oven and served on top of a big salad of rocket, summer lettuce, cucumber, sugar snaps and red onion alongside some sweet chilli hummus watered down into a sauce:


This was so delicious, the sweet potato falafel burger tasted wonderful and the hummus was lush! I haven’t had shop bought hummus in ages as I’ve been making my own so this was a great change. Dessert was some raw banana goji cake from the freezer:


This was made from sesame seeds, almonds, banana, goji berries and dried cherries, yum!

I was very excited and chuffed to come home to this:


My race pack for the Great North 10K! This is only my second race so I still get really excited about these things!

I’ve also been invited by Alpro Soya to attend the Kendal Calling Festival! I’m a fan of Alpro products and was actually thinking about checking out a smaller festival this summer so I think it must be meant to be. Looking forward to finding out even more about Alpro and their products. I’ll post all the details soon!

What’s the best thing you’ve eaten today? Do you run races? Do you still get excited when you receive your race pack?


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