WIAW: All or Nothing
Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope your week is going well :-)
These are my eats from Monday which here in the UK was a lovely but typically rainy bank holiday.
I have to prefix this WIAW with a bit of context and some general chitter chatter about having an ‘All or Nothing’ attitude. On Sunday evening myself and James decided to watch a movie with a bottle of red. I made a big bowl of sweet and salty popcorn and all was well. However once the popcorn was gone I started feeling snacky so got some of the chocolate I’d be given for my Birthday. Once I’d polished that off I though ‘well I’ve already buggered up so I might as well keep going’ so I had more chocolate and then ended the night with a big bowl of muesli and almond milk. Not really a big deal to be honest, but after successfully keeping the evening snackies at bay over the last couple of months, August hasn’t gone quite as well. Since the festival where I definitely indulged, I’ve also had my birthday, my birthday party and then my cousins wedding party and what has happened is that I’ve felt that since I can’t eat ‘perfectly’ I’d might as well say f**k it and eat to excess. In the past when I’ve done this I’ve then restricted my eating as a response, and the cycle has continued.
The evidence from Sunday night ;-)
I’m not making a big deal out of Sunday night cause it wasn’t that bad, but it has highlighted to me that I have this ‘all or nothing’ way of eating. I need to be able to go out and have a few glasses of red without then thinking ‘well I’ve drank all those calories, might as well have three bars of chocolate too’. I know I’m in a funny position with this amenorrhea thing, because any weight I do gain isn’t going to do me any harm. I’ve got more to share around all of this as I’ve also stopped weighing myself and calorie counting, so I probably owe you another wordy post, but I wanted to mention it here before I shared Monday’s eats. Anyhoo, on to the food!
I got up not feeling too stuffed from the night before and very much looking forward to my breakfast. I’d been drinking water with apple cider vinegar during the night to help my digestion so I just had my warm water and lemon juice before digging into this loveliness:
1/2 cup of oats cooked on the stove with 2 cups of water with some coconut oil roasted peaches and plums, vanilla bean paste and some full fat coconut milk. It was heaven in a bowl! I’d been inspired by this recipe from Gena to try roasting the fruit – they tasted incredible. I also had some black coffee:
The gym opened at 10 so I went up and did my usual Monday workout of 5 minute cross trainer warm up, strength workout 1 and the 10 minutes of HIIT on the bike.
I came home and made myself a big green smoothie with spinach, vanilla Life’s Basics protein powder, matcha green tea powder and maca blended with ice, water and vanilla stevia:
I had about 3 of those glasses full, so good! A little later I made a light lunch:
Courgette noodles with yellow pepper in a Thai inspired raw almond butter sauce which I made with 3 tbsp of raw white almond butter, sweet white miso paste and red chilli. I added some fresh chopped basil and parsley on top. It was absolutely delicious!
Mid afternoon I snacked on a pink lady apple:
Then a bit later made a green juice:
My usual blend of celery, cucumber, ginger and lemon, all drank from a wine glass since they were out of the cupboard!
For dinner I wanted something nice and hearty so I made my sweet potato and kale hash minus the tofu and courgette and topped with a large egg fried in coconut oil:
This has to be one of my fave meals at the moment. I use a pre oven baked sweet potato all chopped up and fry it with the onion in coconut oil so it goes all crispy. Believe it or not that was also my first ever fried egg! It will not be my last.
For dessert I had a full punnet of strawberries and made a chocolate protein dipping sauce with a scoop of chocolate sun warrior protein powder, about half a tbsp of raw cacao powder and some almond milk:
It was gorgeous! I would have usually followed that with a smoothie or something else, but I was so tired I ended up in bed at 8 and slept like the dead for 10 hours. I must have needed it!
All in all a good day of eats that helped me feel balanced without being as restrictive as I have been in the past. Having a decadent full fat breakfast did me the world of good and getting in a chocolate hit for dessert didn’t leave me feeling deprived or with a sugar crash because of the added protein.
I think my tips for handling a day after ‘over eating’ would be to not restrict the volume of food and perhaps just try and eat a bit healthier while watching your sugar intake so that you don’t end up craving more. Lots of water, green juices and smoothies, fruit and veggies are always good and most of all try not to worry too much about the calories. Remember that it is the consistent healthy choices rather than the one off indulgences that count over all.
Do you feel you have an ‘all or nothing’ attitude sometimes? How do you handle it?
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