Watch my Cape: the best fancy dress party ever!
As I mentioned at the weekend, I had my 30th Birthday last Friday. I blogged about the day itself but on Saturday night we had the big party! I always knew that I wanted to do something special to mark the occasion and as it is also my Mam’s 50th Birthday 10 days after mine, we thought it would be a good idea to have a joint celebration.
I have a pretty big family, and in the past we did have a tradition of having fancy dress parties at birthdays and Christmas. We felt we were long overdue another one!
We didn’t have a theme so it was anything goes, and my word did we have a good variety of costumes! In the end I decided on this:
I thought a vintage style sailor girl pin up would be fun :-) James kind of matched my look as an American style GI Solider:
My Mam and Dad:
Zorro and 1920’s style flapper – my Mam made that dress! ‘Watch my cape' as he got in the car was a sentence I never thought I’d hear my Dad say :-) Some of the others…
Me and my gorgeous Sister as an Airhostess
Aunt and Uncle – Zena Warrior Princess and Spartacus
My friend from work and her partner – school girl and 1970’s
Friends – Claire who was dressed up as ‘Vicky Pollard’ from Little Britain was absolutely hilarious!
My cousin, her hubby and kids as the cutest pirates ever, parents neighbours as 80’s rocker, Norman Wisdom and a Mime artist
Mam’s work mates – loved the Geisha costume!
My cousin, his wife and son. I still get a bit freaked out by that little Incredible Hulk!
Cruella Deville and her Dalmatian – she walked in with him on a lead and I cried with laughter! We awarded them best costume of the night!
We put on a nice big spread and I tried my best to sneak in some ‘Laura’ food:
That’s my nephew Harry dressed at Batman sneaking some food before everyone else ;-) My Mam made the amazing cake and cupcakes, she is so talented at cake decorating! I made a roast vegetable and whole wheat couscous salad, hummus, veggies and wholemeal pitta breads, raw date, almond and coconut balls, fruit kebabs with grapes, pineapple and melon and chocolate covered strawberries. We also had the usual pies and quiches, open sandwiches, gateaux etc.
I know those photo’s aren’t the best quality but admittedly I was too focused on enjoying myself than taking better pics! I am disappointed I didn’t get a better picture of the room as we had decorated it very nicely with purple and while balloons, dollies on the tables, vintage tea cups filled with sweets and also some tea lights.
After the party we all came back to my parents house and stayed up till the early hours of the morning. Best. party. ever. I feel so blessed to have such fantastic family and friends. The whole weekend was made even better as one of my best friends gave birth to her baby girl on the Thursday and my close cousin Catherine gave birth to her little boy just after midnight on the Sunday morning! Oh and can I just say, my Mam is so completely awesome, talk about 50 and fabulous, she rocks! Obviously I indulged in rather a lot of not the healthiest foods and alcohol over the weekend and yet again I’m paying the price but there are no regrets here whatsoever, I enjoyed every mouthful! Living a healthy life is about having a good balance and I am right back to my usual healthy habits again this week.
If you were going to a costume party what would you dress up as?
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