Wacky Weekend
Hello everyone hope you are having a wonderful Sunday! This weekend has been brilliant but a bit weird to say the least, perhaps its because Halloween is approaching…
I couldn’t resist getting a pumpkin to carve! I just went with some simple stars – it looks so pretty :-)
I started my weekend on Friday night. When got home from work I made myself a gorgeous smoothie:
Purple kale, chocolate sun warrior, raw almond butter, raw cacao, water, ice and stevia, it was delicious – I’ve had a few smoothies like that over the weekend using the purple kale. Then I did some tidying up and got ready to go out and see the family, OOTD:
Leather hoody: Topshop, fake fur stole: New Look, loose fit cream jumper: H&M, bag: Oasis, red pants: New Look, ankle boots: New Look
Notice the sun shining through the flat in that pic? Well a few hours later we had this:
That would be snow, and quite a bit of it! I don’t mind snow but it is rather early in the season for me! It continued to snow during the night and there was a white blanket over everything come morning. I had already decided that yesterday was going to be a pyjamas and no make up day so when I eventually got up I thought I’d make some muffins!
I had an idea around flavours so made up a recipe based on my Courgette, Date and Pecan Bread. These turned out very well and in addition to tasting good they are pretty low in calories:
Courgette, cranberry and pistachio ‘skinny’ muffins! Made ‘un skinny’ by loading them up with a mixture of softened butter and maple syrup. Oh yeah. Accompanied by strong black coffee and a large sliced organic apple. Recipe coming up on those babies!
The cooking didn’t stop there as I also boiled some chickpeas and black beans to stock up the freezer, a wonderful soup with the innards of that pumpkin (recipe coming tomorrow!), these sweet and salty pumpkin seeds (I used coconut sugar) and a Thai Red Butternut and Lentil Curry:
I served it with steamed broccoli and a half arsed attempt at cauliflower rice (i.e I couldn’t be bothered to chop it in the food processor so did it by hand instead). It is so tasty! I’ve made that curry a few times in the past and I know some of you have asked for the recipe so consider that one on its way as well!
Alongside bowls of sheep yoghurt (my new love!) with berries and chocolate peanut butter protein ‘ice cream’ I’ve enjoyed some banana cake my best friend and her little girl had made:
She had grated fresh coconut into the cake and in the icing. It was heavenly!
This morning I work up slightly earlier than usual due to the clocks going back so had time for a more decent breakfast before the gym and kettlebells class. I had some plain oats cooked in water topped with tahini and dark chocolate chips:
Then this lunch time I have roasted my first chicken!
I just roasted it plain with some olive oil. James took all the meat off it and the leftovers are simmering into a stock as I type. I had a breast with some thyme honey roasted parsnips, cauliflower mash with butter and steamed broccoli. It was really good! To make the cauliflower I just blended it up with a little almond milk. I honestly think I like it better than mashed potato!
Right now I’m just trying to get my head around the time change, it always leaves me feeling slightly off kilter! Do the clocks going back affect you? How has your weekend been? Do you have any plans for Halloween?
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