Time of my life
August 2012 has quite simply been one of the best months I’ve ever had!
My fancy dress 30th Birthday party was amazing! I loved my vintage sailor girl look :-)
That sounds a bit over dramatic but its true! I’ve just been having an absolute blast. Let me explain, this month I:
- Set up a limited company for my new business adventures
- Celebrated my 30th Birthday
- Had a fantastic Birthday party
- Celebrated my Mam’s 50th Birthday, my cousins wedding, the birth of my best friends little girl and the birth of my cousins little boy!
I’m looking forward to sharing more details of the business stuff soon, all I can say right now is that there are some really amazing things going on in my life at the moment around this. All of a sudden the jig saw pieces are falling into place and its so exciting!
Along side really getting things going with the business and my birthday, I think what has made this month so enjoyable has been spending a lot of time with my family and friends and being out socialising. In addition to that, my eating has been the most relaxed and with less associated guilt than I’ve experienced in a long time. I’ve drank red wine and cocktails, peanut butter brownie batter and raw birthday cake and loved every second of it!
Peanut butter brownies – bit of a recipe fail, but tasted amazing non the less!
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I do still have kind of an ‘all or nothing’ mentality, but that is easing off a lot. This month I’ve really enjoyed my food and feel like I’m finding a good groove. I had mentioned that I was calorie counting just to help guide me around making sure my energy requirements were being met, but I knew I didn’t want to be doing this all the time. This month I’ve stopped calorie counting and weighing myself. I know I’ve eaten a lot more than usual over the month but even if I do step on the scales and see a gain, I honestly do not care. Something must be working out as I can still fit in my ‘skinny’ jeans although I do feel more curvy and like I may have packed on more muscle.
One of my favourite reoccurring meals this month – scrambled organic eggs and avocado
This month I’ve really started incorporating more fats, dairy and eggs and its working so well for my body. I still do my best to get those products from the most healthy and ethical sources but I’ve been able to let go of a lot of ‘vegan guilt’ because I’ve been coming to realise that this is just how my body works at its best and that has to be my priority right now.
I’ve made some tasty recipes which I think showcase this new way of eating for me:
- Chilled Summer Pea Mint and Avocado Soup
- Fig, Goats Cheese and Walnut Salad with Honey and Sea Salt
- Coconut Milk Pancakes
Plus I have another vlog for you! I’ve missed vlogging and was looking forward to reviewing a few of my August favourites:
As you can see I kind of like that almond butter ;-)
Oh how I love this time of year! I am beyond excited for the autumn, I adore the leaves turning red and golden, snuggling in warm jumpers, eating my weight in kabocha squash, bon fire night, making huge pans of soup, russet apples…I could go on and on!
My goals for this month include:
- Build on what I’ve already achieved with my eating and finding what works for me
- Make more progress with all my business goals, including website development which will also include a KHGS re design!
- Keep on top of my IIN Nutrition School studies (which have been awesome so far)
- Have a wonderful staycation in Brighton
- Start journaling as I do some self reflective work
So quite a lot of things I want to get progressed in September. As well as really looking forward to going to Brighton, I’m also looking forward to beginning journaling. In our course materials from IIN we got an amazing 3 month journal to work through. I’m going to take that as an opportunity to do some serious self reflection, particularly around my healthy living practices including some diet experimentation. I already feel like I’ve realised so much about my body, i.e. that I do better eating more fat and protein, and I’m interested in exploring this in more detail and testing out so theories and ways of doing things which I intend to use with health counselling clients in the future.
September Sponsors
I’m very happy to be working with all of my sponsors again for September, please get some of their great discounts and deals and take a look at their links under my sponsor section. All of them have some fantastic products that I genuinely love so take a look!
How has August been for you? What are you most looking forward to in September? Are you working towards any specific goals? Best thing about autumn for you?
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