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Time flies

I can’t believe its Friday already! They say time flies when your having fun and this week has flown over, it doesn’t seem like we’ve actually done a lot, but we have relaxed and re charged our batteries which was top of the list! I also can’t believe we are almost into October!

On my list for this week has been some baking. I made those delicious Super Charge Me Cookies on Tuesday and on Wednesday I made some bread using a bottle of fruit cider which I enjoyed with almond butter, apple and pear spread and plums:


I’ll be blogging this recipe soon as it is ultra quick and easy and has delicious results! I also made another batch of my simple seitan to stash in the freezer. I did use some for dinner in a pilaf type dish with onion, carrot, courgette, peas and millet:


I served on top of some steamed greens with shoyu, delicious!

The other day I also enjoyed a yummy raw sandwich with the aubergine bacon I made at the weekend:


This was so good! I used 4 raw juice pulp flatbreads with mashed avocado and nutritional yeast and the ‘bacon’. I had the sandwiches with loads of chopped veggies for a lovely lunch.

Big Budget Challenge

I have to admit this week has been a struggle, with us being on holiday it feels like we have spent a fortune although we have had to buy a few more expensive items like washing powder. We also decided to pay £3.50 for a giant 3kg bulk bag of pasta for James, really good value!

I did actually get a few things done this week such as getting a load of things up on eBay. I returned a pair of trousers I bought ages ago and hadn’t worn and exchanged them for a beautiful dress and cardigan that I know I’ll get plenty of ware out of! The trousers were also a snug fitting size 8 and now that I’m committed to gaining a little weight I didn’t want them hanging about my wardrobe making me feel bad! I also spent some of my monthly budget on a necklace and bracelet to wear on Saturday night for my cousins wedding celebration – looking forward to showing you my OOTD!

Other bloggers taking part in the challenge so far:

Sarah @ Every Day’s a Picnic

True Penny @ Cool Beans

Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes

Don’t forget you can also join in any time too! See this post for more details.

Healthy Feast Plan

Yesterday I started my ‘Healthy Feast’ and it has been wonderful! I kicked off with some MTV Power Yoga. It was my first run through of this DVD even though I’ve had it for ages. It was so tough, I was sweating buckets by the end of it!

I’ve had some lovely eats so far and have really been enjoying keeping things simple. This green smoothie was delicious:


This was just spinach, half a ripe frozen mango, coconut water, 2 dates and ice topped with home made raw macadamia butter and gojis. I was really worried that I would miss the stevia and the thickness from my usual xanthan and guar gums but I really didn’t! The ripe mango and dates where perfectly sweet. Today I had another smoothie for lunch. This contained beet greens, spinach, 1/2 avocado, mixed frozen berries, 2 dates, ice and coconut water topped with raw almond butter, goj'i’s and bee pollen:


Again, this was sweet and thick, without the need for stevia or the gums!

I made a big batch of green goddess dressing and I’ve been using it on huge salads:


This one contained romaine, finely sliced spring greens, home grown alfalfa sprouts, beetroot, carrot, orange pepper, red onion and hemp seeds. That dressing is so good I could eat it with a spoon!

I’ve also been eating lots of simple fruit plates with melon and apple etc and this morning I made a batch of agave sweetened pumpkin seed milk which I drank straight up, it tasted amazing! I’ve also made a couple of tasty fruit and nut smoothies:

P1100785 Fig and almond smoothie (2 fresh figs, handful of soaked almonds, 2 pitted dates, water, ice)

P1100824 Plum, walnut, raisin smoothie (3 plums, handful of soaked walnuts, 2 tbsp of raisins, water, ice)

Lots of green juice has also been consumed:


I do genuinely love this stuff! This contained 1 large cucumber, 1 large head of celery, 5 romaine leaves, 1 bunch of spinach, 1 handful of parsley, half a lemon and a knob of ginger. That makes about 1 1/2 litres or 6 cups of green goodness, Today I drank 4 cups early on then the other 2 cups mid morning followed by the pumpkin seed milk and fruit.

I also made this fab bowl of courgette ‘spaghetti’ with a luscious avocado basil cheesy sauce based on my dreamy creamy dressing recipe and topped off with some cheesy pumpkin seeds:


I followed it with my current favourite snack: banana split with home made raw salted cashew almond butter, honey and bee pollen:


So good!

I went for a lovely walk this morning to enjoy this gorgeous Indian Summer weather and took a few lovely photos:

P1100800 P1100804 P1100806 P1100808

Is it warm where you are? I’m enjoying it while it lasts but will be happy when it gets a little cooler and feels more like autumn again!

We have a nice relaxed weekend ahead, I’ll be continuing my healthy feast, so lots of yoga, green juice and fruit and veggies to come! We also have my cousins wedding celebration on Saturday night which will be lovely. Any exciting plans for the weekend?

Hope whatever your up to you have a good one!


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