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The Kind Diet

Thanks for your comments on yesterdays post about the Secret Santa. Its great that so many of you are up for it. I’ll leave it until November then I’ll do a full post with all the details. I’m excited about it already!

This mornings breakfast:


1/2 cup of Dorset Cereal Tasty Toasted Spelt Muesli, 1/4 cup of jumbo oats, 1/4 cup of quinoa flakes, chopped pear, cinnamon and soy milk.

Mid morning I snacked on some vanilla silken tofu (mori nu silken tofu blended with agave and vanilla extract) and some apple, raspberry, goji berry and cinnamon compote that I whipped up last night.


I had a few apples that were past their best and it only took me 5 minutes to make these. I followed my usual recipe but used raspberries instead of frozen mixed berries and added a few gojis for an extra hit of vitamin C. I’m taking all the vitamin C I can get at the moment, everyone at work is coughing and sneezing and I do not fancy coming down with a cold!

Lunch was a bowl of Leek, potato and white bean soup followed by an orange.

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I finished a work meeting early so popped to the shops for a few groceries and then decided to do my usual Wednesday night treadmill run outdoors instead. I had a beet it shot for a little fuel then ran my 3.8 miles in 35.52, I took a route with a couple of hills to act like higher intensity intervals. I followed my run with some abs exercises.

For dinner I made some tomato pasta sauce with quorn mince, garlic, mushrooms and basil and served it with courgette ‘pasta’ on top of some spinach.


Twas delish! Desert was a few chunky squares of Ritter Hazelnut Dark Chocolate and a sliced russet apple.


I saw the russet apples at the supermarket and had to buy some. They were my Nana’s favourite apple and really remind me of her. I love how food can connect us with people like that.

Today I made another trip to the Library. I had ordered in this book:


‘The Kind Diet’ by Alicia Silverstone. I’ve been dying to read this for a while. Although I’m far from vegan I’m trying to reduce my consumption of meat and really enjoy eating vegan foods so I’m hoping I will find some great recipes in here. Have you read this book? What did you think?

I also picked up these other books:


I just love reading through nutrition and cookbooks for meal ideas. I also have Nigella Kitchen on order at the Library, I can’t wait until that comes in. If its good (which I suspect it is) it will be going on my Christmas wish list! With all of these government funding cuts I really hope the Libraries can survive, since doing my Big Budget Challenge I’ve really grown to love mine.

Another little highlight of my day was scoring some packs of Oreo cookies from work. They were delivered free with a stationary order. I love Oreo’s, I know they are very processed but as an occasional treat crumbled on top of yoghurt or protein ice cream they will be delicious!

Hope your all having a great week, so happy that we are over half way to the weekend already!


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