Storm in an iced tea cup
Happy Friday! I can’t believe the weekend has come round again so fast, not that I’m complaining! Although its been grey, damp and stormy this week it has also been quite humid so I’ve been loving my iced tea! This was Teapigs chilli chai with soy milk:
It looks so pretty when you add the milk! I use a method I learned from the lovely Sarah where I brew up 2 tea bags in a little mug for 10 minutes then add ice to my cup, pour the warm tea over the ice, add more ice and then add some milk if desired. Perfect!
Last night the North East experienced one of the worst storms in years. Luckily Durham seemed to escape the worst of it but a lot of my friends and family up the road in Newcastle got hit. How’s this for a scary pic:
Craziness! Not quite a ‘storm in a tea cup’ as it actually caused a lot of damage and flooding unfortunately :-(
This weeks workouts:
- Saturday – REST
- Sunday – AM 4 mile run
- Monday – Gym – this strength and HIIT workout but I increased all the upper body weights by 1kg :-)
- Tuesday – AM 6 mile run, PM Body Pump class
- Wednesday – Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown Level 1 via You Tube
- Thursday – AM 3 mile run, PM Yoga for Runners podcast (missed my class due to crazy storm)
- Friday – Gym – 5 min warm up cross trainer, 25 minutes of random strength exercises focusing on upper body and abs, 10 min HIIT on step machine, 10 min HIIT on bike cool down
As I mentioned in my WIAW post, I’m having some running motivation issues when the distance exceeds 4 miles. I love my shorter runs but they aren’t going to get me through a half marathon come September! I have 10.5 miles on the agenda for tomorrow and I’m going to be utilising some of my motivational tips and tricks to get me out there including a fresh playlist for my i Shuffle and free reign to eat whatever I like for breakfast when I get back ;-) Having said that, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about a few things recently and have been re evaluating my priorities big style. I might have to subject you all to another long winded wordy post soon!
On Monday I decided to increase my weights for my upper body exercises by 1kg (for each dumbbell). I did really well and only had to drop my reps for one of the exercises! On Wednesday I decided to have a go at Jillian’s Yoga Meltdown, I absolutely loved it! I need to get my hands on the full DVD. I was glad I did that extra bit of yoga as I missed my usual class due to said storm. It looked like the path outside the flat had flooded so I decided to stay home and do a podcast instead :-)
This week it has been all about the pittas! I tend to go easy on bready things but I had a craving so went with it. I had them with my bean burgers and then last night stuffed full of hummus, spinach, beetroot and avocado:
My absolute favourite sandwich combo ever! This morning I decided to have one for breakfast as a PB & J:
Plus a green smoothie on the side made with romaine, apricots and vanilla sun warrior. Its been the first week in a long time that I haven’t had a green smoothie in a bowl for breakfast. For some reason I’ve been preferring them as a side to something else. On Monday I had one with a plate of fruit:
I’m so into my fruit at the moment I just want to enjoy it simply so I can taste all their natural sweetness. On Wednesday I had a bowl of cherries and blackberries to accompany a bowl of porridge made with oats, wheatbran and water with a cube of frozen full fat coconut milk melted into them and topped with some brown rice syrup and sea salt for a salted caramel type flavour:
I’ve also been a snacking queen this week:
Chocolate protein grape juice ice lollies
Rice cakes with sun butter and dark chocolate chips
Mixed berry and spiru-tein peanut butter swirl ‘ice cream’
On the Love List this week…
Blue Diamond Almond Milk has finally arrived in the UK!
I was really excited when I heard that Blue Diamond Almond Milk was going to be available in the UK. I love having a variety of non dairy milks to choose from and I’m especially happy to have the unsweetened one to try! I hope they bring out their vanilla unsweetened over here too! Apparently these are on offer for £1 in Tesco at the moment. Also…
iHerb deliveries // finding the most comfy gym pants in the world ever (more on this to come!) // reading the fantastic resources available on The Art of Non Conformity – a must have if you are interested in being a social entrepreneur or growing your blog as a serious endeavour // my wardrobe edit – I’m loving being able to choose outfits each morning! // being invited to contribute guest posts to the fabulous The High Tea Cast!
In case you missed it:
- I blogged my recipe for Cherry and Brown Rice Salad
- I posted a Vlog all about protein powders
- I shared my new hair do in my review of Wahanda and Burlington Hair Studios!
What have you been loving this week? Are you an iced tea fan? How do you make yours?
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