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Spotlight on my Sponsors–great products with fantastic savings!

First up I’d like to welcome new sponsor for October The Happy Pear and The Happy Heart Course:happy heart logo

The Happy Pear is a lovely whole foods store based in Ireland and the two guys Steve and Dave, behind the store have developed the Happy Heart Course which will:

  • Lower your cholesterol by 20% in 4 weeks without medication.
  • It's an online course and includes over 40 video recipes, 7+ topics a week, guidance and support, an online community all within the site for those on the course.
  • Easily downloaded materials
  • Shopping lists and meal plans
  • Support for taking charge of your health
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Help you loose weight and feel healthier overall!
  • Created and delivered by two passionate whole food and healthy living enthusiasts

If you are concerned about your heart health or cholesterol then check out that course!

Lazy Giraffe are offering Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish readers a great discount of 15% off using KHS15. Deepa really does have some beautiful items for sale, my absolute favourite is this limoncello necklace:

Limoncello Gemstone Necklace

Whether you are treating yourself or looking for a gift I definitely encourage you to take a look!

Myvitamins are doing a 3 for 2 deal across their entire range of vitamin supplements which has now been extended until 30th September so don’t miss out!

Photo 17-08-2012 08 19 04

I’m currently trialling these products but please have a look at the site, they offer some great supplement blends which are good quality and really affordable.

Other discounts available from my sponsors include:

Photobucket£5 off your first purchase of any Good Hemp product using code GHN-good-intro.

Photobucket$5 off your first iHerb order using code AGA105

Photobucket£10 off and free delivery on all Goodness Direct orders using code 322345GH

Photobucket7% off your first Viva Pure order using code VPFRIEND7

And don’t forget to check out Trumi bars, Coyo Coconut Yoghurts and Teavivre teas too!

If you would like to see your business or blog featured here, then check out my sponsor page for more details!


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