Similar subject, two very different books
Hello everyone, happy weekend. So glad it has finally arrived! Hope you’ve all had a great week.
Big thanks to those that commented on my ‘just not feeling the running’ post. Your comments were so useful. I’m going to see how I go, I seem to change how I feel about it from one day to the next at the moment! I have a 10k run scheduled for the weekend so we shall see how I get on.
Highlights of my eats over the last few days have included two amazing breakfasts:
Creamy chocolate berry porridge with berries topped with cacao nibs and a mug of Starbucks VIA with vanilla rice milk. I used 1/2 cup of Scottish oats, 1 tablespoon of oat bran (a new to me product picked up from the Tesco wholefood section), rice milk, water, egg whites, chia seeds, raw cacao powder, agave syrup and defrosted mixed berries. This was a bowl of heaven!
Today I made a chocolate cherry green monster with kale, rainbow chard, spinach, vanilla rice milk, chocolate Sun Warrior and maca powder. I topped it off with some goji berries and granola.
Still can not get over how delicious these taste – and so full of amazing goodness. I feel like I’m fighting off a cold at the moment so I thought adding the goji berries with their vitamin C would be great, plus they help with the uptake of iron from the leafy greens!
Yesterdays lunch was some of my Veggie Chilli with lots of romaine, cucumber and spinach plus a satsuma and organic apple.
Snackies have included some more of my tofu with pear and blueberries mixed with some Bear Apple Crumble Granola and a pear on the side.
Trek Peanut and Oat bar and organic apple post Yoga (which was awesome by the way – my increase in flexibility is amazing).
Nakd Cocoa Orange bar and apple this afternoon.
I had almost forgotten how gorgeous the cocoa orange bar is – just like a healthy Terry’s Chocolate Orange! I’m also currently snacking on a plate of carrot sticks and sliced pear and apple.
This morning I popped to the gym and did 10 minutes of intervals on the cross trainer, step machine and bike. I also ran a mile on the treadmill in just over 9 minutes (just for the hell of it!) followed by some core work on the stability ball and some upper body weights.
Tonight I’m off out to celebrate my cousins 30th Birthday at an Italian restaurant. I’ve started to get into the habit of checking out the menu’s of places I’m going to help me make healthier choices while I’m there so I know I have something tasty and reasonably healthy to look forward to!
I’m also really excited as the hubby has the whole weekend off (which hardly ever happens!) so we have plans to head into town for lunch tomorrow and we have a gig on Sunday night. Good times!
I’m also planning on finishing off these two books I’ve been reading:
Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
Both books delve into the issues with factory farming (although in very different ways). Eating Animals is based on the writers research around what kind of diet he should feed his new Son. I found the Eating Animals book a very interesting but depressing read – I have to admit that animal welfare hasn’t been my highest priority when deciding what I eat but it is after reading this book!
The Skinny Bitch book is really a diet book that advocates veganism, alongside avoiding artificial sweeteners etc. to lose weight and be healthier. I have skipped the chapters on factory farming as after reading the Eating Animals book I feel I have a pretty good idea of what issues they’ll be covering (these are very USA specific anyway). The most interesting thing I found about this book is its approach – very straight talking with a large dose of ‘tough love’ including the use of expletives throughout the book. I found most of it quite funny really – I’ve kept reading out sentences to the hubby and we laugh our heads off, although I don’t know how some readers would take to being spoken to in such a way!
Have any of you read these books? What were your thoughts? Its worth stating again that I make no judgement whatsoever on what or how people choose to eat. I’ve chosen to become a vegetarian that eats vegan when possible based on very personal choices around health, environment and ethical reasons. I think we all have to make the best choice for us as individuals and respect that. Its quite sad really that the food that sustains us has to be the source of so much controversy!
Anyway, I’m off to my meal, will be lovely to see all my family! Have a great weekend whatever your up to!
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