Review: Wahanda and Burlington’s Hair / New ID Studios
A few weeks ago a rep from the website Wahanda got in touch to see if I was interested in trying out a deal from their website. Wahanda is a similar concept to other sites such as Groupon and Living Social but focused just on health and beauty related offers.
As I noted when I reviewed a Groupon deal, there seems to be much fewer options on sites like this for people living in the North East. I’m sure that this will improve as time goes on and more people start to take advantage of the deals. Of the couple that were available, one was a deal for a hair cut and highlights at Burlington’s / New ID Studios in Newcastle. This sounded right up my street so I went for that deal. The booking process was very simple and after purchasing it via Wahanda and getting my voucher on email I called the studios central office to book my appointment. As I was having a colour I was sent a patch (like a temporary tattoo) to apply to my arm 48 hours prior to the appointment to make sure I wasn’t allergic to any of the hair colouring chemicals. Here’s the salon:
I attended my appointment on Saturday morning, here’s a quick before pic!
I went along armed with a couple of images for inspiration:
The stylist told me that as my hair was already dyed red she couldn’t vouch for the results of the highlights, but to be honest I was pretty easy going and even if they had turned out orange that wouldn’t have bothered me so much! Here’s the final result before the wind and rain got me:
She created some lose waves using the straighteners. Not exactly what I was going for with regards to the highlights but I was still very impressed. Here’s a better picture of the colour:
Here’s what it looks like now that I’ve tried styling it myself:
I think I still have some work to do on getting the style right! I tried loosely drying it with some mousse in but I think I probably need a smoothing serum to stop the frizz and to get my curling irons on it if I’m making an effort. Saying that, I’m really happy with my new style. The highlights are a lovely golden colour and have given my hair a bit of a lift.
The cost of the deal was £49.99. Looking at the price card these services purchased separately (the cut and highlights) would have been in excess of £100 so I think the deal was marvellous! For that saving alone I will definitely be browsing Wahanda in future for similar savings. Wahanda fitness offers also features some good looking deals for boot camps and gym memberships, so its not just health and beauty deals they feature which I think is a good mix.
Have you heard of or used Wahanda before? When was the last time you had your hair restyled?
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