Review: Popchips
A few weeks ago I was very excited when I spotted a tweet from Jillian Michaels saying that her favourite brand of snacks, Popchips where being launched in the UK. A few days later I was very happy when a surprise parcel was delivered containing a range of the Popchip flavours!
I’d tried Popchips when I’d been in NYC last year and loved them, so I was looking forward to trying more of the flavours. I’m generally not one for processed snacks, but as far as these go they are pretty good, heck, if they are good enough for Jillian Michaels they’ll do for me! The chips are made by putting potatoes under heat and pressure to ‘pop’ them without the need for fat and oil. They only use natural ingredients and no chemicals, preservatives or hydrogenated fats.
The salt and pepper and original flavours are vegan however the sour cream and barbeque ones contain buttermilk and whey powder. See the excellent website for more nutritional information. I did try them all and preferred the original and salt and pepper ones by far anyway! I actually thought the salt and pepper flavour tasted like ‘posh’ crisps, really good! James also had a try of the barbeque and sour cream ones and wasn’t that impressed. I think this is because he is more used to eating snacks like those day-glo Cheesy Doritos so they tasted a bit too ‘healthy’ for him.
Each of the small bags are less than 100 calories. I have to admit, as delicious as they are, these are a very light snack and they aren’t going to hold off your hunger. However, if you have a crisp craving and are looking for something much healthier and lower in calories these are great. I can also recommend these as brilliant hangover food, they sorted me out a treat one Saturday morning!
I liked them so much that this weekend I decided to treat myself to a giant bag:
I can’t wait to munch through these, I think they’ll be fantastic dipped into hummus or salsa :-)
Popchips are currently available in Waitrose and these other stockists or if you really love them you can even get them in bulk from Amazon! I really like these, as far as crisps or chips go these are probably some of the healthiest you can get. I love the plain and salt and pepper flavours and although they are light, they do the trick when you’re craving a salty snack.
Have you tried Popchips before? What’s your favourite flavour? Do you like snacking on crisps and chips?
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