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Raves and Reviews

Ok so just to warn you this post is completely random, I realised I had a few little reviews I wanted to share with you, as well as a couple of recent raves!

Chobani Review

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A couple of weeks ago I was sent some Chobani yoghurts to review for the blog. I was very excited to try these after lusting after them on US blogs for a while. They are Greek style yoghurts with 0% fat and all natural ingredients. I was sent a few flavours to try, as well as the plain. The flavoured yoghurts include black cherry, strawberry, pomegranate, peach and blood orange – the fruity bit is at the bottom of the yoghurt. They do taste lovely, they have 14g of protein, and as I said they only contain natural ingredients, so no artificial sweeteners etc. However these aren’t really for me. Yes they are 0% fat, but the flavoured ones contain quite a lot of sugar – 19g some of which is from refined cane sugar. I’m not saying refined sugar is the devil, its just that for me personally I find my body likes more fat and less sugar. In conclusion, they are certainly a better choice than artificially sweetened yoghurts and great for when you fancy a tasty fruity treat, however for me personally, I prefer plain yoghurt with fat :-) Chobani yoghurts are available from Tesco stores.

Style Nibble

I came across Style Nibble a little while ago and I’ve been loving it! You take a quick quiz to identify your ‘style’ and then you get emails with personalised style inspiration.

style nibble

A few things from my boutique this week

You are forwarded to an online boutique with links to a range of different clothing items and accessories that match you style. The different items are a range of prices too, so its not all unaffordable designer wear! I really love this as sometimes its just nice for a bit of wardrobe inspiration on how to wear existing things in your wardrobe with a new twist. Love it!

Simply Bar Review

A few weeks ago I was sent some Simply Bars to review.


They are vegan and gluten free protein bars, each with 16g of protein and around 160 calories. I was sent the lemon and coconut, cinnamon, peanut butter chocolate and caramel peanut bars to taste.

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As you can see they are kind of like a rice crispy cake! I really enjoyed these, the flavours are delish! They are a little dry and because they are that crisp cereal they seem to be quite ‘light’ but I actually found them to be reasonably filling. They are a bit on the processed side and contain soya protein isolate which I wouldn’t want to be including in my diet on a daily basis, but for an odd snack when you need something that tastes naughtier than it is these would be a good choice. I ate these as a pre workout snack and they worked really well as they were filling enough to give me some energy but light enough not to make me feel sick. Generally a big thumbs up from me! You can order an 8 bar sample pack from the website but I believe they are confirming UK stockists.

AlphaFit Magazine

This week I came across Alpha Fit magazine as the blog is being featured within their ‘The Internet’s Hidden Treasures’. The magazine is geared up to men, however I quite like reading men’s fitness magazines sometimes, they certainly have a different perspective to women’s ones ;-)


They have just launched their magazine app so you can read the magazine on the go. You can find their site here and a digital edition of the magazine here. Take a look cause there are actually a few really interesting articles in there!

As I said, totally random ;-)

Have you tried either the Chobani or The Simply Bars? Any thoughts?

What do you think of the concept of Style Nibble? Do you ever read Men’s fitness magazines?


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