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Post holiday blues

Today I seem to have beaten the caffeine / refined sugar withdrawal head ache I’ve had for the last couple of days. Apart from my lingering cold I’m feeling really good eating all of this healthy food! I also took all the Christmas decorations down which left me feeling sad,the room looked so empty. Its back to work for me tomorrow too – I’ve definitely got the post holiday blues!

Today’s breakfast was a big bowl of Mighty Muesli with fresh blueberries and almond milk:


It was lovely and filling and I’m still loving the almond milk (will be trying to make my own soon!)

I headed to the gym for a big cardio fest. The gym was packed – I guess everyone’s on the January health kick. I found it a bit of a pain as I had to wait for machines to become available. I did 35 min on the treadmill (running 5 minute speed intervals), 15 min on the bike, 23 min on the step machine and 20 min on the cross trainer all at a constant rate.

Lunch was a salad beast – spinach, red onion, cucumber, green pepper, carrot, alfalfa sprouts topped with home made hummus and some ground chilli and pepper:


This was wonderful, I love my hummus topped salads. I also had some fresh pineapple and some leftover blueberries:


I spent the afternoon pottering about making up some brown and wild rice and a salad dressing for next weeks lunches plus a batch of my Cherry Bakewell Babies. Instead of using cocktail cherries I used  Nakd cherry flavoured raisins. I snacked on one of these little treasures when they were done:



I was feeling a bit stiff after this mornings workout so I decided to do a quick yoga download (Yoga for Runners) which made me feel loads better. My level 2 yoga class starts next week and I can’t wait to get back to it. Having done a proper class makes doing the podcasts much better as I know so much more about how I should be positioned within each posture.

After yoga I made another tasty juice. This one was a direct recipe from the Leon Cookbook – Allegra's Beautiful Juice. It contained carrot, ginger, orange and almond milk – an odd combo with the almond milk but it tasted fab:


Dinner was a big bowl of Kabocha soup made by blending leftover roast squash with veg stock, a teaspoon of sweet white miso and some parsley.


This was delicious, I love the velvety texture of squash soup! A little later I’m planning on having a few chopped apples topped with cinnamon and maca powder:


Last night after I posted I had the snackies so ate more grapes and apples. I’m really just going with the flow when it comes to my hunger at the moment and trying not to beat myself up if I end up eating a lot more. I had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I’ve actually lost that 4 lbs I put on over Christmas already! I now want to focus on maintaining this weight, not losing weight.

Hope you’ve all had a great Christmas and New Year break if you’ve had the time off. Anyone else got post holiday blues? In some ways I’m looking forward to getting back into a regular routine, I barely even know what day it is!


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