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Pink Quinoa

Happy Thursday everyone, only one day till the weekend! I can’t complain though, I have had a nice week so far and have a pleasant day set for tomorrow.

Yesterday morning I was up for my early morning run. I decided to do my hilly route and did 7 miles in 1hr03 with an average pace of 9.05. Considering I had felt I was going really slow I was very happy with that pace, especially on the hills! I even improved my time on my last run of that same route :-)

Today I did a 20 minute detox yoga podcast first thing and then hit the gym after work for a 3,2,1 workout.

Tasty eats have included a wonderful post run green smoothie containing kale (really loving kale in green smoothies right now), frozen mango, frozen blueberries, coconut water, a sachet of Mango and Pomegranate Amazing Grass powder, maca, mesquite, spirulina and a few drops of stevia. I topped my bowl with some goji muesli and desiccated coconut:


This was sweet and fruity, and I loved the deep green colour!

This mornings breakfast was lovely:


I found some cherries in the reduced section last night I just knew I had to use them for breakfast! Cherries mixed with granola and brown rice puffs, Sojade plain yoghurt and Trader Joes Roasted Flax Peanut Butter sauce. It tasted as good as it looks!

Random snackies have also been had including sugar snaps, mixed nuts and dried fruit (macadamias, dried cherries, dried apricots, brazil nuts), persimmon…


…and this amazing Coconut Cream Pie Lara Bar:


This was wonderful, so glad I have a few more Lara bars stashed away!

Dinner for the last couple of days has been a tasty Quinoa, White Bean and Beetroot Buddha bowl:


I mixed quinoa, cannellini beans, tin foil baked baby beetroots, parsley, lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil then served on top of a big pile of steamed greens and kale with shoyu. Tonight I had the leftovers cold with spinach, sugar snaps and braggs:


I saw these little beets for 69p at the green grocers and just had to get them. I sometimes get a serious craving for beets, very strange! I loved how they turned the quinoa pink!

Desserts include this chopped organic pink lady apple with melted Conscious Lumuca Gold and peanut butter mixed together (inspired by a comment from Allie):


I guess melting this does go against the whole point of being raw but it was so good! I’ve also had another big bowl of protein ice cream. This was 1 scoop of chocolate sun warrior, 2 tbsp of cocoa powder with ice, water, gums, a few drops of stevia and topped with some dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds:


Giant bowl full = happy tummy!

I’ve been loving all the fresh fruit that’s been available in the reduced section recently, those cherries were perfect! I’ve started making the most of those offers by freezing bags of fruit which will be perfect for smoothies. I’m trying to stock pile frozen strawberries ready for the autumn! I’m also thinking of putting a dehydrator on my birthday pressie list, I would love to be able to make my own dried fruit! How are you making the most of the all the fresh fruit available right now?


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