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Pay day shop and making a difference

Hello, hope you are enjoying your Friday! I’ve had a lovely day that started with a great speedy workout at the gym of 40 minutes of high intensity intervals on the cross trainer, step machine, bike and rowing machine (10 min on each) followed by abs and core exercises.

I’ve been working from home today around an event I had to attend for work. A disabled children’s charity that I helped to develop a successful funding bid had their grand opening for their new service. It was amazing to go and see the results of all the hard work we put in! It just reminded me how great my job can be sometimes and that I do make a difference :-)

After I’d been at the gym I had a great breakfast:


This was 1/2 cup of oats, 1 tbsp of 10 grain mix and 1 tbsp of ground flax cooked with water with 1 scoop of Smore’s Spiru-tein protein powder, blueberries and topped with more blueberries, coconut butter crumbles and a chopped dark chocolate Adora calcium disc. The melty chocolate and coconut butter was heavenly!

While I was out at the opening I snacked on this tasty sesame date bar I got as a freebee with my Goodness Direct order:


I did a big grocery shop while I was out, by the time I got home all I wanted for lunch was a giant green smoothie! I blended spinach, summer lettuce, frozen cherries, frozen strawberries, 1 cup of hemp milk, 2 tbsp of cocoa powder, agave, stevia, ice and xanthan and guar gums then topped it all with some peanut flour sauce, goji berries and freeze dried berries:


This hit the spot!

For dinner I made a basil and parsley herbed socca and filled it with some roasted red pepper, courgette, cherry tomatoes and red onion along with a couple of slices of tofutti vegan cheese and a big side of roasted broccoli and asparagus:


Yum! Dessert was a small bar of Green & Blacks Maya Gold Chocolate:


I love this spiced chocolate orange chocolate, these little bars are the perfect size as well.

Today was payday! That meant I could do a bit of a bigger grocery shop and stock up on a few bits and pieces. Frozen and chilled stuff:

P1070303Quorn mince, chicken style pieces and chicken burgers, beef lasagne, potato wedges, frozen soya beans / edamame, tofu

Thankfully James likes Quorn and its cheaper, healthier and easier to use than buying meat for him (as we couldn’t afford to buy good quality meat in the same quantity). I love having frozen soya beans and plain tofu on hand at all times!

Fruit and veggies:

P1070311Cucumbers and celery (for green juice), mini organic apples, summer lettuce, spinach, courgette, peppers, broccoli, living parsley

Everything else!

P1070312Pizza’s for James and his friends, kitchen roll, skimmed milk, organic chickpeas, kidney beans and cannellini beans, good oil hemp oil, clipper green tea, 6 happy eggs, pearl barley, organic plain brown unsalted rice cakes, tinned lentils, tinned black eye beans, capers, olives, kara coconut milk, hemp milk, organic tomato passata

I decided to try the slightly cheaper Good Hemp Oil instead of the cool oil I’ve used before as a salad dressing and a source for essential omega fats. Its also more versatile than the cool oil as it can be used in cooking. I couldn’t help stocking up on more coconut and hemp milk as Tesco seems to be the only place that stocks it! I was really happy with this shop as I managed to take over £8 off the total bill using vouchers and discounts! Total: £50.65

I also got my organic veg box delivery:

P1070308Gooseberries, mushrooms, asparagus, clemintines, summer greens, red lettuce, broad beans, banana’s, cherry tomatoes, chard

I have lots of plans for some delicious meals using these ingredients this weekend!

Do you do a big monthly shop to restock or do you just buy things as you need them? I’m a bit of a hoarder (for example with the cartons of milk) as I hate the idea of running out of something I love. Although I meal plan I also like to have fairly well stocked cupboards so I have lots of options to make something should I get a big craving!

Do you have much planned for the weekend? I have my usual long run at some point plus I’m looking forward to seeing my family and having a look around town with James. I just have my fingers crossed for some good weather. Hope you have a great one whatever your up to!


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