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Parcels and poppin cereal

Hello folks, hope you’re doing well this Friday!

c077bb728f0911e18bb812313804a181_7One of my favourite meals this week, all to be revealed soon!

My workouts this week:

  • Saturday – 6 mile run (approx)
  • Sunday – REST
  • Monday – AM 5 min cross trainer warm up, strength workout A from Dial it in phase of Female Body Breakthrough, 10 min HIIT step machine, 10 min HIIT bike
  • Tuesday – 3 mile run (approx), Yoga for Runners podcast
  • Wednesday – AM 5 min cross trainer warm up, strength workout B from Dial it in phase of Female Body Breakthrough, 10 min HIIT step machine, 10 min HIIT bike
  • Thursday – PM yoga class 1hr 15 
  • Friday – AM 5 min cross trainer warm up, strength workout A from Dial it in phase of Female Body Breakthrough, 10 min HIIT step machine, 10 min HIIT bike

I enjoyed my short run on Tuesday, I’m just easing my way into running more often as I pick up my mileage ready to start training for the Great North Run. All other workouts have been pretty good, I’m coming up to the last week of this phase in Female Body Breakthrough so looking forward to changing it up again. Although I’m not really aiming to develop more muscle, rather just keep what I have, I do think I’ve seen some improvements!

Eats wise, I’ve had some lovely stuff as usual! When I saw the ‘poppin' cereal’ on Run, Eat, Repeat I knew I would have to recreate. I popped my own corn in a dry pan (making extra for another time) and mixed it with strawberries and Alpro Hazelnut milk. Then I topped it with some peanut sauce made with peanut flour:

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I had this as an evening snack. I love munching on big bowls of cereal but sometimes that can be a bit heavy before bed. This is a bit lighter but satisfies my craving for a big bowl full of yum! Other evening munchies have included frozen grapes and cashew nuts…

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…and a smoothie made with Spiru-Tein Cherries Jubilee protein powder, water and ice topped with hemp seeds for some nuttiness:

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I keep forgetting I have a container full of shelled hemp seeds in the cupboard, they add a lovely nutty taste to things like salads and smoothies. Another tasty although not very photogenic snack I’ve been loving this week is roast edamame with dried mulberries:

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I’d only ever tried mulberries covered in chocolate before and had loved their crunchy texture so I decided to order some raw ones and they are gorgeous! I loved them mixed with the roast edamame for the sweet and salty thing, I’m going to be addicted to these!

For breakfast I’ve stepped out of the smoothie rut, well at least a couple of times! I made some overnight oats by mixing 1/2 cup of oats with hazelnut milk and a tbsp of chia seeds then leaving in the fridge overnight to thicken. In the morning I added 3 fresh figs and some tahini and honey:

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I really do love the figs / tahini / honey combination and with the cool creamy oats it tasted fab! This morning I made a raw protein buckwheat bowl with vanilla sun warrior protein powder, mango and coconut:

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It may not be sunny weather but eating that did brighten my morning! Of course I did have one smoothie:

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This was spinach and spring greens blended with frozen cherries, Good Hemp Chocolate Fit Shake protein powder, water and ice topped with a pack of We are bear Coco Cherry Pie granola and some peanut sauce made with peanut flour. The classic chocolate cherry combo never gets old :-)

I also loved this tasty Buddha bowl meal made with kale, quinoa, pinto beans, red onion and half an avocado:

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The leftover quinoa was made into a salad with romaine, carrot, red pepper, cucumber, olives and the other half of the avocado:

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Simple but oh so good!

On the weekend send off love list this week…


Receiving parcels is one of my all time favourite little things and I’ve had quite a few this week! I made a couple of small iHerb orders and a Viva Pure order too, as well as receiving a surprise jar of Strawberry Spread from the lovely people at Clearspring after I posted my review of their other flavours. Also…

Pay day! // Pic Monkey // booking the date for a Spa experience with my best friend //iifft // watching the Good Food channel in HD (food porn!) // Doing a big grocery shop and restocking my cupboards // emails and comments from blog readers that make me smile :-)

What have you been loving this week?


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