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Nutrition to Prevent Uterine Cancer

March is uterine, or endometrial, cancer awareness month.

Uterine cancer is the most common gynecologic cancer accounting for 6 percent of all cancers among women in the United States.
The most common type of uterine cancer starts in the lining
of the uterus, or uterine wall, called the endometrium. This is why uterine cancer is also commonly referred to as endometrial cancer.

Nutrition plays a role in the prevention of various gynecological cancers.

The World Cancer Research Fund along with the American Institute for Cancer Research analyzed research on nutrition and its role in cancer and published the “Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective."

The recommendations for the general public are as follows:
  • Be as lean as possible within the normal range of body weight.
  • Be physically active as part of everyday life.
  • Limit consumption of energy-dense foods.  Avoid sugary drinks.
  • Eat mostly foods of plant origin.
  • Limit intake of red meat and avoid processed meat.
  • Limit alcoholic drinks.
  • Limit consumption of salt.
  • Aim to meet nutritional needs through diet alone.
This report analyzes the evidence by cancer type including endometrial, or uterine, cancer.

Nutrition to prevent uterine cancer

For endometrial cancer, a high percentage of body fat as well as weight gain in the adult years may increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

So clearly at the top on your priority is weight management and just as your mother said “eat your vegetables."

The two work hand in hand as well as vegetables are a very high fiber, low calorie food which can provide cancer fighting compounds and assist with the feeling of fullness.  Easy ways to incorporate vegetables in your diet are:
  • Breakfast: Top your cereal off with berries or make a spinach omelet.
  • Lunch: Layer sandwiches with greens, tomatoes and cucumber.  Have raw vegetables on the side instead of chips.
  • Dinner: always include a colorful salad and aim to fill half your dinner plate with non-starchy vegetables like steamed asparagus, broccoli and carrots.
  • Snacks: Try baby carrots, sugar snaps peas and sliced red peppers dipped into hummus.
Continue following this blog for more recipes with cancer fighting properties.

Debra DeMille, MS, RD, CSO is a nutritional counselor at the Joan Karnell Cancer Center.  Debra has worked at Pennsylvania Hospital since 1988 with the last 12 years specializing in oncology.  Debra guides individuals receiving chemotherapy and radiation as well as addressing survivorship issues including the use of Integrative therapies.  She conducts cooking programs and group counseling sessions for cancer survivors. 


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