jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

My new addiction

I started the day with another cup of warm warm and freshly squeezed lemon juice before doing my Davina DVD plus extra back and chest exercises. As usual the lunges and squats killed me and I was nice and sweaty by the finish!

For breakfast I made a smoothie containing frozen blueberries, scoop of vanilla whey, hazelnut and almond rice milk, a little water and a tablespoon of pumpkin and sunflower seeds for a hint of nuttiness. I topped the smoothie with a few seeds as well.

This was delicious but I found that I missed my spinach and the added bulk it gives to smoothies. Just shows how hooked I am on green monsters now!

I headed in towards work dropping my car off at the garage for its service and MOT, luckily it wasn't too bad but it still needs a few things looking at at some point in the next few months like brake pads and new tyres.

Mid morning we had a little get together at work for someone who is leaving. They had some supermarket bought scones thick with butter to dish out, and naturally I declined - if I'm going to have a treat I'll have something I really fancy. In fact I've come to find that stuff like that just doesn't do it for me anymore. Has anyone else found that too? Since I've started eating more 'clean', things like shop bought cakes, scones, crisps, cream cakes etc just don't bother me, I can take them or leave them. I think its cause I know they won't be doing me any favours or nourishing my body. However a homemade wholemeal scone with dates and walnuts warm and covered in butter and jam would have me very happy! I think I tend to crave better quality versions of the stuff that I used to gorge myself on, instead of gallons of some low fat cheapy vanilla ice cream I'd rather have a small portion of extra delicious Ben and Jerrys. Talk about having champagne taste on a lemonade budget!

For lunch I had a kale and chickpea salad. As I now know that kale in green monsters doesn't float my boat I was trying to think up another way to use it. I stir fried it off for a minute or so in some garlic olive oil then mixed it with some chick peas, cucumber, red onion and grated carrot followed by some sea salt.

This was really tasty, it was the first time that I've eaten chick peas raw as well and they were delicious so I'll be using them a lot more in the future. I followed my salad with my new addiction - chopped apple with maca and cinnamon, yum! I totally cover the apple with the maca and cinnamon mix, delicious!

Mid afternoon I had half a pot of cottage cheese with some nakd orange infused raisins. These were also lovely, totally loving all the nakd flavoured raisins!

I had a semi late one at work then headed home via the shops to pick up some groceries for the weekend. Why is it that my shopping list always goes out the window when I get to the shop? I ended up getting a random jar of apple sauce and some cashews - I can't help myself when I see stuff that takes my fancy.

I had a chicken breast defrosted in the fridge to be used up so for dinner I made a quick and tasty stir fry with Pak choy, brocolli, red pepper, carrot and red onion with soy and ginger.

For desert I had some chia seed pudding made with hazelnut and almond rice milk and a tablespoon of agave syrup topped with a strawberry. I like this better than the vanilla version I made earlier in the week. The hazelnut and almond rice milk goes so well with the chia seeds.

I'm probably going to have a couple of plums as well before bed. I've been snacking on these every night for the last couple of days after I've posted but I'm not stressing about any snackiness as long as its just little plums I'm going for.

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

Its my weigh in day tomorrow and I'm not sure what to expect, every four weeks I have a gain and then lose the week after which makes me think its connected to my monthly cycle. This should be my heavier week, so I'm expecting a gain. I'm not obessing over the weight thing, I just think it would be good for me to get a handle on how my body works for once! I've been looking back through the blog at what I've eaten the past week and how I've exercised and I have to say both have been very good. I'm out at the weekend so I won't be too worried if I end up hammering the red wine since I've been so healthy. I'll just have to make sure that it doesn't turn into an excuse to binge. I think that after my summer holiday in June I'm going to try and stop the weekly weigh in's and just weigh myself once a month as a check in to try and make me a bit more balanced in my approach.

Well I'm off to watch the politians fight it out in the UK's first ever live TV debate. Personally I think there all as useless as each other! Hope your all having a good week x


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