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My Day in Birmingham

Hi Everyone, I've had a lovely couple of days down in Birmingham for the Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood Concert. Heres a bit of a recap of yesterday.

I was up at the crack of dawn on Tuesday morning as I wanted to get in a workout before leaving for Birmingham. I did my usual Davina Superbody Super Sculpt DVD then rushed around like a headless chicken getting ready and packing my overnight bag. I did manage to sit down for five minutes and enjoy one of my favorite breakfasts - a chocolate cherry green monster in a bowl (scoop of chocolate whey, frozen cherries, spinach, hazelnut and almond rice milk)

I topped it with a few grape nuts for added crunch. I decided that it would be a good idea to pack up a little bag with some healthy snacks for while I was away.

Goodie bag!

We set off from Durham and got down there by 11.30 so it wasn't a bad drive. We had one stop and I snacked on an apple and the Berry Cheeky Nakd bar to keep me going. Once we got checked in to our hotel we got the train into Birmingham and then found somewhere to eat. We eventually decided on an Italian called Del Villagio in the Bullring. I had a rather large vegetable pizza!

It was delicious, but unsuprisingly it left me stuffed. We had a bit of a look around the shops, I checked out the food hall in Selfridges and although lots of things were tempting I didn't but anything. I usually find it easier to shop (or should I say spend money) when I'm on my own rather than with the Hubby, which is probably not a bad thing. He makes me think twice about anything I'm getting (not in a bad way, more like asking 'so what have you got that you'd wear with that?' or 'are you sure you need it?' kind of thing) I've never made a poor purchase on impulse when he's been with me. I did however hit one of my favourite shops - Urban Outfitters as they don't have a store in the North East. I got these two funky t shirts, after consultation with the Hubby of course!

The floral t shirt has a chunky zip down the back. I love the retro style Harley T shirt as well. I also got this bag from accessorize.

I have been looking for a really big pretty bag for hauling all my stuff about and this fit the bill perfectly. So that was the last of my holiday / summer clothes budget I'd saved up. I've been working overtime at work so that has helped to 'mop up' when I've gone over budget a bit. I know that I bought quite a bit of stuff at the weekend and I don't want anyone thinking I just spend money like theres no tomorrow! The vast majority of my summer clothes are all too big for me so I have pretty much had to buy everything for my holiday apart from beach towels. Now that I have a wardrobe that fits I'm actually thinking of setting myself a little challenge at some point in the next few months - something like not buying anything 'new' to try and encourage myself to save money and make more things myself. I have a bag full of old clothes that are desperate to be altered and re worked into new things, I just need the motivation ;-)

We headed back to our hotel and got ready for the concert. While in Birmingham I went to EAT and picked up this Sweet Chilli Chicken Noodle Salad and Fruit Salad to have as my dinner.

This salad was delicious - I think I will try and recreate at home, just with wholemeal noodles!

My Mam and Dad had brought some munchies down with them so I also ended up snacking on a few Lightly Salted Kettle Chips and a small glass of white wine. We walked over to the LG Arena (what a fab venue!), found our seats and got settled. I just stuck to drinking water while I was there, I didn't want to end up smashed again! My Mam treated me to this little tub of Ben and Jerry's.

Total chocolate heaven!

The concert was tremendous! It was really my Dad's big treat, but we all enjoyed it, they played some of my favourite tracks including Layla and Forever Man (for any fellow Clapton Fans out there)

Heres a couple of pics - Me and the Hubby

My Mam and Dad

Eric rocking out

Random crazy guitar photo.

After the concert we went back to the hotel and my munchies were in full swing - I snacked on more Kettle Chips, Cheese and Onion Pringles, a huge chunk of Cadbury's Diary Milk, a couple of Werthers Originals sweets, my Coco Orange Nakd bar and an apple, oh yes and then there was more white wine. So I had a bit of a binge. I did not feel good after eating all of that rubbish, however, I did enjoy eating it!

Drinks - water, green tea, white wine

So I felt like a bit of a hippo after all of those snackies. I went to bed with that awful guilty feeling you get when you've over indulged. At the end of the day I don't often eat food like that, this was a special occassion, and when I remembered that I felt a lot better :-)


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