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Mindfulness Programs at Penn Help Ease Stress for People With Cancer

The Penn Program for Mindfulness provides powerful tools for coping and personal growth. Combining modern cognitive science with ancient mindfulness techniques, the program teaches people with cancer to change the way that they experience themselves and their world with skillfully applied mindfulness approaches to start anew.

This fall, reconnect with the sources of meaning in your life. Discover new ways to be steady in the most difficult moments, and learn how to connect more deeply with what matters most.

The Penn Program for Mindfulness

The Penn Program for Mindfulness is a mindfulness-based stress management program that teaches you how to use meditation as the primary tool for long-term stress management.

This highly acclaimed 8-week program will teach you a variety of meditation techniques to help you to cultivate relaxation, clarity and stillness in your day-to-day life. You will learn to recognize your unique reactions to stress, find more effective ways to respond to stressful situations, and discover how to use your own inner resources to find greater health and well-being.

The Penn Program for Mindfulness has taught thousands of individuals how to:
  • Improve mood and energy
  • Increase focus and mental clarity
  • Manage difficult situations and emotions
  • Enhance communication
  • Increase enjoyment and appreciation of life
Mindfulness-based stress management is perfect for anyone who wants to maintain focus and learn positive ways to manage stress.

Fall session begins the week of September 22nd. Program has nine classes in eight different locations in PA and NJ. Each course include includes eight 2-½ hour weekly classes and one full day retreat to be held on Sunday, November 2nd. The cost of the program is $569.00. (APA, Social Work and Nursing CE credits available for an additional fee.)

The deadline to register is September 18.

Learn more about the Mindfulness-based stress management class, or register here.


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