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Marvellous May and Jubilant June!

I have to say May has been a really brilliant month, and probably my favourite month so far this year. I’ve been feeling so happy and have had so much fun!

I did really well with the aims I’d set myself: I’ve been posting a few more Outfits of the Day:

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I’ve definitely been feeling a lot more confident about my body! I’ve also been eating really well, enjoying treats now and again and loving my raw foods:

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My weight has remained stable and I’m continuing to monitor my calorie intake so that doesn’t change. Still nothing to report on  my female health issue, my current aims are to continue to eat really well and not allow myself to lose any weight (still a big part of me can not believe I am saying that!) and like I’ve said before, I’m not expecting any developments while I’m training for the Great North Run, I just want to make sure things don’t go backwards!  Speaking of which, I’ve been running twice a week and have increased my farthest distance up to 8 miles. Its been tough, but I’m still loving the sense of achievement I get from running :-)

On the business side of things I’ve made some great process. I sat my food safety exam and have my market research questionnaires all ready to go. I’ve also designed some business cards and flyers to use until I finally decide on a name for my company!

I didn’t do so well with things like dry skin brushing every day but I did manage to paint my nails and I have been paying a bit more attention to my beauty regime, I do feel a bit more glowy!


As I said, this month really has been fun packed! I visited the Spa with my best friend, had a trip to Leeds with James, attended my first Hot Yoga class at Yogalilies and enjoyed my Aunt and Uncles Ruby Wedding Anniversary:

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Life is pretty good right now :-)

I also blogged the following recipes:

Holy yum! I even posted my first vlog, and since you all seemed to enjoy it so much here’s another one! I know a few bloggers that do ‘monthly faves’ type posts and I wanted to share with you a few random things I’ve been loving this month, enjoy:

So glad I managed to look at the camera properly this time! Here’s a link for more on Socca.

Aims for June


  • Try and get to Hot Yoga every fortnight
  • Be a little more mindful of my spending
  • Add in another run each week in preparation for the Great North Run
  • Get my market research distributed, my flyers and business cards sorted and decide on a name.
  • Prepare my costume for my 30th Birthday party – its fancy dress!
  • Continue to have lots and lots of fun doing things I enjoy
  • Have a fantastic Jubilee weekend!

I enjoyed Hot Yoga so much that I’d really like to try and get to a class every couple of weeks. I can’t afford to go more regularly than that, also with the studio being in Newcastle its a good drive away so going every week would be difficult to fit in. I have also enjoyed being a bit spendy spendy this month and although that’s been fine, I do need to reign it in a bit.

The Great North Run is in September and although I won’t be running it with the aim of getting a PB, I would like to be well prepared so I’m going to add in another short run each week for a maximum of 3 runs a week.

In relation to my community healthy eating workshops and health coaching ideas I’m all set to start to try and make this a reality! I’ll be sending my surveys out this month and really starting to try and see if my ideas have ‘legs’. I know that what I want to do is never going to be a huge money spinner and that has never been my aim, at the end of the day I’d just like to do something I enjoy and help people as much as possible! In August I will be turning 30 and I have a joint party with my Mam (she’s 50 a few days after me) to organise. We have decided to go for fancy dress anything goes and I have some great ideas for costumes! I want to start getting stuff ready for it now that I have designed and printed the invitations. I’m also going to blog some time soon on my thoughts about approaching the big 3-0.

Overall, I just want to continue having a blast! These are the last couple of months of my twenties and I intend on enjoying them to the fullest!  Fingers crossed for some more summery weather, I’m having a little get together of friends for the Jubilee and I’m really looking forward to it! There will be cake, cocktails and bunting, so excited!


I’d also like to welcome a new sponsor for June: Dorset Cereals

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I’ve been a massive fan of this brand for a long time and I’m very excited to be hosting a little giveaway of some of their goodies later in the month!

How has May been for you? If you set yourself any aims, how did they go? Any big plans for June? Did you enjoy the vlog?


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