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Life Worth Living: My BRCA Story

Carlette Knox is a BRCA-positive, breast cancer survivor. She underwent a bilateral mastectomy and chemotherapy in 2010 as part of her breast cancer treatment. In 2011, she had a prophylactic oophorectomy (removal of her ovaries), to decrease her ovarian cancer risk. She founded the website Life Worth Living, where she shares her experience with breast cancer.  In this blog post, she talks about her journey.

In December of 2009, at the age of 34, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Cancer, unfortunately, had been a topic of discussion in our family for many years. My mother was diagnosed at the age of 35 and she experienced the devastating loss of her mother to this disease while growing up. We also witnessed 2 of my aunts lose their battles with cancer. I knew firsthand the impact this disease had on the women in my family; the need to attack this diagnosis head on was evident. I was introduced to the risk assessment program and with the help of a genetic counsellor underwent testing to determine my cancer risks. Receiving a positive BRCA result armed with me the knowledge needed to make informed treatment decisions, this is when my journey began.

It was March of 2010 when I had my bilateral mastectomy, learning about BRCA put into perspective my risk of breast cancer recurrence and ovarian cancer. My decision to remove the non-impacted breast tissue was supported by clinical trial data as well as my personal experience. Seeing the effects of this disease throughout generations of women in my family was not a tradition I was willing to keep.

It took me about 6 weeks recover from the surgery. It was not a comfortable experience, but what kept me going was the resilience to save my life! I started chemotherapy, undergoing 16 cycles, with the support of a great clinical team. When I felt like giving up they would encourage me to keep on going. The doctors and nurses along with the support of my immediate family and church members helped me to remain hopeful and full of faith which ultimately kept me going through this journey. After chemotherapy it was recommended that I also have radiation therapy since so many of my lymph nodes were positive, this was a walk in the park compared to the chemo. I finished up my treatment at the end of 2010 right before the New Year which was a blessing since my birthday is January 1st!

Research has shown that BRCA positive patients also have an increased risk of ovarian cancer. My gynecologic oncologist recommended an oophorectomy (prophylactic removal of the ovaries to decrease the risk of ovarian cancer). This was a very simplistic procedure done laparoscopically February 2011. While the procedure itself was minimally invasive the decision was not without much emotional turmoil on the inside. In my mind, this would change my landscape as a woman and at such a young age. Ultimately, after researching the effects of ovarian cancer, I embraced this option as a blessing not a curse.

Today, I am physically and emotionally better than I could have ever imagined. I don’t look or feel like any of what I went through. It may sound a bit crazy, but I’m grateful for the journey. My faith is stronger and as a result of this life changing experience I’ve been able to embark upon yet another journey.

“Life Worth Living” is the realization of my passion to raise awareness, empower and support those impacted by cancer and to broadcast the message of hope aspiring them to live.


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