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Learn About Skin Cancer Prevention at Penn

Penn’s Abramson Cancer Center invites you and your loved ones to attend CANPrevent Skin Cancer, a free educational conference for anyone interested in learning about preventing skin cancer.

CANPrevent Skin Cancer is designed to address the personal and medical issues facing those at risk for skin cancer. The conference provides patient-focused information about the latest advances in skin cancer risk, screening and prevention.

Who Should Attend

Anyone interested in learning about skin cancer and its prevention - especially those with:
  • Natural blond or red hair color
  • Presence of atypical or numerous moles
  • Sun sensitivity (easily burns, difficulty tanning)
  • History of excessive sun exposure, including sunburns
  • History of using tanning booths
  • History of diseases that suppress the immune system
  • Personal or family history of melanoma, basal cell or squamous cell skin cancers

Join Us

Time: 8 to 11:30 am
Date: Friday, May 18, 2012
Location: Hilton Hotel located at 4200 City Avenue, Philadelphia, PA
Registration: OncoLink.org/Conference/SkinCancer or call 800-789-PENN (7366)
Cost: FREE

Get the facts on skin cancer and melanoma risk, prevention and screening – they could save your life or the life of someone you know.

Unable to Attend?

Join the live web-chat with a panel of expert clinicians from the conference who will answer questions about skin cancer risk, diagnosis and treatment. To participate in the web chat or submit a question before the web chat, visit OncoLink.org/Webchat.

The web chat is scheduled for 1:15 pm ET, May 18.

Follow Penn Medicine on Twitter for event information before the conference date, and live tweeting throughout the conference with the hashtag #CANPreventACC.

Please “re-tweet” and share Penn Medicine's messages about skin cancer prevention and awareness with your followers.


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