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Healthy hemp

Hi everyone, hope you are all as excited as me for the long weekend ahead! It feels like I’m back at school and today was the last day of term. Next week is just three days then I’m off for almost 2 weeks including our trip to NYC!

Wednesday I had a late meeting at work so it was easy to fit in my usual early morning gym workout. I did the same speed intervals on the treadmill as I did in this post two weeks ago – I can not believe how much easier they felt this time round! I also did some intervals on the cross trainer, step machine and bike followed by my abs and core for a total 1 hour 15 min workout.

Before I left for the gym I had decided I fancied porridge for breakfast so I left 1/2 cup of Rude Health Fruity Date porridge mix with 1 tbsp of chia seeds soaking in 1 cup of water. When I came back I added 1/2 cup of hazelnut and almond rice milk and another 1/2 cup of water plus some chopped plums and a tbsp of this new find:


Hemp Protein powder! I have tried hemp protein powder before and I saw this on sale in Holland and Barrat. The brand is Naturya and they also stock maca powder, acai powder, barley grass etc – very good to see these products on sale on the high street rather than just available on line! I also added some hazelnut butter sauce (1 spoonful of nut butter mixed with hot water for extra drippiness):


This was lovely, so so filling! I think soaking the oats and chia seeds beforehand then adding extra liquid made all the difference. I don’t think I’ll be adding hemp to porridge again though as it tasted a little ‘grassy’. Definitely one to save for the smoothies!

I just had leftover Buddha bowl with romaine for lunch and lots of fruit, veggies, crackers and hummus for snacks so when I eventually got home I had a big craving for a green smoothie:


This included spinach, mixed berries, a chopped pear, hazelnut and almond rice milk, maca and mesquite. I topped it with peanut flour sauce, goji berries and some hemp seeds for crunch!

This morning I was up early for a quick bit of yoga. I found an old Apple Yoga programme I’d sky + from the Body in Balance channel so I did 15 minutes of that which included a fast paced warm up, some seated twists and some very challenging hip openers!

Breakfast was more wonderful tofu yoghurt layered up with a full punnet of blueberries and a slice of my banana coconut bread crumbled:


I must make more of this banana bread it is just that amazing!

Tonight I was back at the gym for 30 minutes of upper body strength using the dumbbells followed by 30 minutes of intervals on the bike, rowing machine and step machine (total 1 hour workout).

For a quick dinner I baked a sweet potato and chopped it up, threw it on top of some spinach, cucumber, red onion and braggs seasoning then added some steamed broccoli, humnut sauce (high protein hummus, nutritional yeast and water) and a few mixed seeds:


Heaven :-) This was seriously delicious! I’m really enjoying eating more sweet potatoes they are just so delicious and make the perfect fast food.

I really fancied some protein ice cream for dessert so I blended 1 scoop of chocolate sun warrior, 1/2 cup of hazelnut and almond rice milk, crushed ice, water, cocoa powder, agave, xanthan and guar gums and topped with some viva pure chia super food porridge mix:



Taking of hemp – I found more hemp milk in Tesco so decided to stock up:


Does anyone else have the habit of buying their favourite things in bulk whenever you see them? I really need to stop this habit as there’s only so much I can fit in my kitchen, but I tend to have a fear of things either being out of stock or discontinued! I do love this hemp milk though and hemp in general. I also eat hemp oil as it is an ingredient in my favourite Cool Oil. It really is a great source of nutrition, especially for us veggies and vegans as it contains an excellent balance of omega fatty acids as well as being a fantastic source of protein. Have you tried hemp powder, seeds, oil or milk? Do you like hemp products?

So happy its the long weekend! What do you have planned? I’ll be cleaning, gardening, cooking, baking, running, seeing the family and hopefully chilling out to! Hope that whatever you are up to you have a great Easter break planned :-)


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